05 ryuu

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05 17 2015
ryuu, the group's most expressive person, wasn't one to dismiss the little things. he's actually a big fan of those. even though he's also one of the biggest complainers, he's definitely understanding. even today, his 15th birthday, he wasn't complaining he got calls from shiyoshi, skemi, hiroko, keiko and ryo saying they couldn't make it to the park.

each call was the same, "i'm so sorry ryuu, something came up today, i can't make it to the park!" each reply was the same, "it's okay! i understand." shiyoshi thinks he should be a bit more selfish, especially on specials days like this. not worrying about a thing, he called up his basketball friends asking if they wanna hang at the park and play basketball. ryuu knew he got them in, the second the word "basketball" left his lips.

it's now around 12 where he started to doubt things. not too long before, he saw a group of friends, incredibly similar to his, walk past the park. hmm, could be just another group of friends, he thought. but that thought was shot down when he hear the unmistakable sound of the nickname they gave for shiyoshi.

negative thoughts started to surround his head. i thought they couldn't make it? yet they're all hanging out? without me? why are they whispering? are they keeping secrets from me?

as much as he wants to follow them, he decided to respect them and leave them alone. they'll tell me when they're ready. he thens remembered what shiyoshi told him last time, about being selfish. he started to contemplate more but still decided against it and let them be.

"ryuu, are you good? you seem distracted?" kishi, one of his basketball friends, asked. "oh yeah, i'm good. actually, is it alright if i sit this game and maybe the next one out?" ryuu asked. "oh yeah, for sure. just let us know when you wanna join in."

ryuu decided to join again after sitting out for 5 games. by the time they finished 10 games, it was already 5. "thanks you guys, i had fun!" ryuu thanked them happily. "anytime man, happy birthday by the way! we can drop you off at your house if you like?" the said boy shrugged, not minding one bit. as the group of basketball players walked him home, they all started to talk about the new video game that's coming out the next day.

the outline of his house began to take shape and he bid his friends a good night. he walked inside his house and took off his shoes. "i'm home." "oh hey honey, how was today?" his mother asked. they made small talk before he started to walk up to his room.

as he opened his room, strings of confetti was shot at his face. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYUU!" in the middle of his decorated room was shiyoshi, akemi, hiroko, keiko and ryo. in the middle was a chair and a table brimming with gifts and a cake. ryuu stood at his bedroom door, flabbergasted. shiyoshi was the first to approach the awestricken male.

"sorry we had to lie to you today. we wanted to make a mini surprise birthday party for you. hopefully you still had fun though! i'm happy that your basketball friends was able to spend the day with you." shiyoshi finished her explanation with a soft smile. before she could walk away, he pulled her for a hug. "come on you guys! group hug!" the friends laughed and ran towards the duo, the impact making them fall to the floor.

they all ate cake and gave their presents. shiyoshi was the last to give hers. opening it was the video game that he was excited for. "holy shit, shiyoshi. this is too much. it hasn't been released yet!" he pushed the game into her hands. too bad for him that she wasn't going to take it. "it's fine, ryuu! the developer didn't mind giving me an early one. he did owe me something since i did help his son pass the exams."

tears were streaming down ryuu's face. ryuu was one for the little things. his friends being there was truly enough.

05 17 2015

today we were out grabbing supplies for the mini party. too bad we had to lie to ryuu about not making it. honestly he sounded really disappointed. he needs to be a bit more selfish. not that we would care if he was or not. there's things that he wants that some people want but he would back off. but in the end this was all worth it. i got to see the smiling face of his. happy 15th bub

yours truly,


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