Ch.1: The Newbie

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Inuyasha walked holding his schedule to see which classes he was going to take. Wow, so many advanced classes. He continued walking until someone bumped into him and made him fall.
"Watch where you're going idiot!"
"I believe you were in my way. It makes it your fault."
"Tch. Stuck up wannabe."
Inuyasha dusted off his clothes and picked up his belongings. He looked at the schedule and saw that he was going to history AP 1. He sighed and looked for his room in the large building. 'Ok room 390. Ok here's 386, 387, 388, 389, oh! 390!' He opened the door slowly and saw that everyone was staring at him. He rolled his eyes and took a seat.
Once he sat down everyone went back to there conversation. These students looked older than him! 'Ugh, I hope class goes by quick. How long is this class?' He saw the time limit on his schedule and groaned. 'An HOUR?!'. Once the class got in the teacher rose.
He had long slick black hair and violet eyes.
"Hello class my name is Naraku but for you it's Mr. Naraku. Welcome to the University of Demon Cultures."
Inuyasha looked at the door to see the same idiot who bumped into him in the morning. 'No way! He's in this class too?!' Why oh why was the world so cruel to him?
"I'm going to do a role call please say your species, age, and year."
He went in order.
"Yo. I'm 18, human, and this is my second year!"
"Yo. I'm 17, illusionary demon, and this is my second year."
"Here. I'm 18, incarnate, and this is my second year."
"Sup. I'm 18, wolf demon, and my second year."
"Hey. I'm 18, dragon demon, fourth year."
"Hello. I'm 17, human, second year."
"Hey there. I'm 17, human, second year."
"Yes. I'm 19, fire demon, fourth year."
"Hello. I'm 19, dragon demon, fourth year."
Inuyasha slowly lowered in his chair.
"Uh.... Hi. I'm 18, dog... hanyou, and uh... This is my first year."
Everyone stared at him in confusion maybe it was because it was his first year. Or because he's a hanyou and hanyou's hardly go to that school.
"Whoa! A hanyou in the class! And it's a dog?!"
Inuyasha clutched in his chair.
"Hiten I don't accept that behavior."
"Sorry sir..."
"Let's continue. Sesshomaru."
"Present. I'm 19, dog demon, fourth year."
Sesshomaru glanced at Inuyasha sternly. Inuyasha rolled his eyes at him and mouthed 'Staring problem?'. Sssshomaru rolled his amber eyes and turned around.
"Ok class. Since this is our first day we have no lessons. Just get used to the school. You may all talk among yourself. Class dismissed."
Everyone got up and started talking to each other. Inuyasha placed his head on his desk until someone tapped his arm.
"Hey. You're new here right?"
"Well, I'm Kouga."
"Hi I'm Inuyasha."
They shook their hands and Kouga sat next to Inuyasha.
"So I see that Sesshomaru has a problem with you."
"I know he's such an ass! Why is he so stuck up?"
"He's a fourth year they are all arrogant."
"No kidding."
The bell ends up ringing signaling that class was over. They all rose to there next location. It was actually break time. What's that?
"Yo Inuyasha!"
He turns to see Bankotsu, Miroku, Kouga, Hakudoshi, and Byakuya, and Jakotsu.
"Oh hi guys."
"Hey newbie!"
Jakotsu threw his arms around Inuyasha.
"Uh... What's he doing?"
"He's really clingy." Bankotsu laughed.
"Ohh! You're so cute with those cute doggie ears!"
He looked at his schedule to see that they had to find there dorms.
"Um... Where are the dorms?"
"Follow us."
They went to a large building that had a list of dorm numbers and names. Inuyasha saw that his room number was 407.
"Inuyasha you're close to all our rooms!"
"Convenient I guess?"
They went up the stairs and went to their dorms. Inuyasha saw the guys wave at him and leave to there dorms. Inuyasha looked up and saw that he was at his dorm.
He slid in the card and opened the door. He gasped at how big the dorm was.
"Wow amazing. Such wasteful space."
He dropped his bags and sat on the empty bed that didn't have any blankets or covers. He just hoped that his roommate would be nice.
He heard a card sliding in the door slot. He stood up ready to meet the new roommate he was going to have all semester. Once the door opened he saw the person he least wanted to see.
"Oh hell no!"
"Hanyou why are you in my room?"
"Well, it seem that I'm boarding with you. Man~!"
"This is ridiculous."
"I don't want to be here either."
They were silent for a minute until Inuyasha grabbed a pencil from a desk to do something. Sesshomaru walked to him and pulled the pencil out of his hand.
"Hey I'm using that!"
"Use your own hanyou."
Inuyasha looked in his bag to see if he has a writing tool but he had none.
"Ugh. I'm so stupid!"
Sesshomaru sat in his desk and opened a book and started reading. He was very annoyed to have a useless hanyou. He was more older than him and more superior. He glanced to see the hanyou at the window.
"Hmm maybe it's a sunny day?"
He opened the widow curtains to see black clouds rolling in.
"Seriously? It's going to rain?"
"Close the curtain you fool."
"Close it hanyou."
Inuyasha shut the curtain and sat on the bed. He sighed and looked into the closet to find blankets but there was none.
"Uh... Sesshomaru... There's no blankets on my bed."
"Pardon me."
"Jeez, you're such an ass!"
"Don't push it hanyou!"
"Oh did I touch a nerve you idiot?"
"Don't push it you ignorant hanyou."
"That's it!"
Inuyasha ran to Sesshomaru to the door and they end up falling with the door. Inuyasha gets on Sesshomaru and starts punching him.
"You... are... such... A ... jerk!"
Sesshomaru catches his wrists and throws him off. Inuyasha ends up on the floor. He gets kicked on the stomach hard and another kick was on his back. Inuyasha kicked Sesshomaru's legs causing him to fall. Inuyasha gets on top and throws two fists at him but Sesshomaru pushes him to the floor and pins his arms over his head.
"Get off me!"
"You pathetic hanyou!"
"Let me go!!!"
Everyone stared at the two fighting on the floor until they saw the teacher walk in.
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" Mr. Naraku exploded.
Sesshomaru and Inuyasha looked at their teacher about to explode.
"M-Mr. Naraku."
Sesshomaru let go of Inuyasha's arms and both of them stood up.
"Both of you. my office. NOW!!!"
Both nodded and followed the teacher.
"I despise you hanyou."
"I hate you too."
Inuyasha sighed it was the boys first day and he was already going to get in trouble.

InuSess-First Year StudentWhere stories live. Discover now