Ch. 3: Such A Jerk!

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Inuyasha opened the door and saw that only 10 kids were in the class.
"Yo Inuyasha! Over here!"
They all sat down and Inuyasha laid down. The poor boy just wanted to go to lunch since his stomach was doing summer salutes.
"Ya we're all hungry."
"Huh.. What time is it?"
"It's 11:30pm."
The teacher walked in and sat down and gleamed to see all his students.
"Ah! Welcome class I'm Mr. Higurashi. I see we have a new face in the class, why don't you introduce yourself?"
Inuyasha rose up really fast causing his chair to fall and laughs to be heard.
"Uh... hi.. my name is Inuyasha and I'm hoping that I'll enjoy this class...?"
Inuyasha sat down and blushed a little.
"Well it's nice to meet you Inuyasha and we hope you enjoy this class too."
The teacher gave them a syllabus that they had to read about what the teacher expects in class. Everyone finished reading and they all waited for instructions.
"Ok class that's it for today! Dismissed."
Everyone got up and left to the cafeteria. Inuyasha and the others walked out and entered the cafeteria. Inuyasha grabbed a plate and got spaghetti, some juice and some chips.
"So that's how you stay so thin?"
"No not really."
Bankotsu motioned them to a table and they all sat down. They all began to eat and laugh. Thy all shared something about themselves that made them a all laugh. Inuyasha was actually having a good time until someone asked for him.
"Yea? What's up?"
The blue haired demon dropped a plate of spaghetti on his head and everyone in the cafeteria 'ooo'd.
"Inuyasha you ok?"
They all saw their friend looking down.
"Compliments of Sesshomaru stupid hanyou."
Once he walked away Inuyasha removed the food off his head and his friends saw that he was pissed.
"It's ok Inuyasha don't do anything drastic."
Inuyasha got a cup of coke with ice and walked to Sesshumaru's table. He walked behind Sesshomaru and dripped the coke all over him.
Inuyasha ran out of the cafeteria and ran to the dorms. Once he opened the door and slammed it closed. He slide down the door and sat down on the floor. He felt the tears rolling down his face and he began to cry. He went to the bathroom and washed his hair. Once he cleaned his hair he got out and heard someone try to open the door.
He saw an angry Sesshomaru and Inuyasha was trying to push him out. He kept hitting his chest and throwing punches at him.
"Get out! I don't wanna see you! I hate you!"
Sesshomaru got a hold of Inuyasha's wrists and pinned them on the wall.
"You are draining my patience hanyou!"
"Up yours! Let me go you ass!"
"You dare use vulgar language on me?!"
"No damn! Let me go!"
"You are a pathetic breed hanyou."
Sesshomaru let go of his wrists and pushed Inuyasha aside. Then there was a knock on the door and Inuyasha opened it.
"Hey Misaki!"
"Hello Inuyasha would you like to study?"
"Sounds good!"
They both got into the room and sat on the floor.
"Well Inuyasha. Basically it's Algebra. So, in slope y=mx+b and in standard form it would be Ax+By=C. And to solve that you have to find the slope of a line that way you know if it's positive or negative. When you're dealing with the y-intercept you do a two-step equation format. Understand?"
"My head is ringing..."
"Oh you silly! If it's this challenging then you shouldn't have asked for help."
"No, give me a problem!"
"All right..."
Misaki wrote down. (2,4) (3,6) find the slope equation. Inuyasha thought long and hard but he gasped when he figured out what to do.
-6 -6
"Wow Inuyasha you got it."
"Really? I thought I got it wrong..."
"Nope all correct!"
"Cool. Well I need to go on clean up duty."
"Ok. See you later tomorrow."
"Ah huh!"
Once Misaki got out Inuyasha groaned and got a bandana. He wrapped it over his ears and part of his head.
"Sesshomaru we have clean up duty."
"Do it yourself hanyou."
"Oh hell no!"
"Fine hanyou. I'll help."
They both got to the cafeteria and grabbed the mops and brooms. Inuyasha looked for the bucket and saw it was on the top of the bookcase thing near the wall. He got closer to the case and tried to reach for the bucket. Sesshomaru saw the boy trying to reach for the bucket. He saw that his shirt was lifting. He sighed roughly and got near Inuyasha.
Sesshomaru grabbed the bucket and shoved it to Inuyasha. Inuyasha's eyes widened as his gaze followed Sesshomaru. 'Ok...?'
They both continued sweeping the ground until it was spotless. After that they moped the floor until they saw there reflection.
"There that'll do it!"
"What now hanyou?"
"Maybe washing the windows?" He glared at Sesshomaru. "Fill the bucket with water."
Sesshomaru came back with the bucket and placed it on the table.
"So we are going to-omph!"
Inuyasha tripped over the wet floor and fell in the ground.
"Owi! I hit my butt..."
Inuyasha closed his mouth and gasped 'Oh gosh! I sounded like a damn girl!'. He got up and grabbed the sponge and soaked it in the soapy water. He scrubbed the windows and left the top part to Sesshomaru, but each time Sesshomaru reached for the top Inuyasha was close to his chest.
Once they finished washing the windows they went to clean the table and they tried to get every little stain off. Sesshomaru was very disappointed that he had to clean with a wretched hanyou. He kept glaring at the very focused boy and saw the hair falling off his shoulders.
Once they finished they both put the supplies away and left the cafeteria and they both went back to their dorms. Inuyasha took off the bandana and put on his pajamas. He walked to the fridge and took out leftover pizza and reheated it.
He sat on his bed and ate the pizza silently. 'Why can't there be a TV? It's so boring!'. He placed the plate on the floor and laid on the bed. It was already 8:55pm and he wasn't sleepy. It was Friday (ironic school starts on a Friday) and he could sleep late. He lays on his bed and curls up trying to keep himself warm.
Sesshomaru opens the bathroom door and sees the hanyou sleeping. 'Its only 9 how can he be asleep?'. Sesshomaru walked over to see the peaceful face, he gently moves the hair from his face and notices that his skin was soft. He realized that the hanyou was beautiful to look at. He hears a knock on the door and he sees that it was Heika and Ryuka.
"Are you ready Sesshomaru?"
"The hanyou is asleep."
The two walked to see the hanyou and they both smirked.
"We could use him too."
"The hanyou is off limits. He's too innocent."
"Innocence can be taken easily."
"He's off limits."
Sesshomaru gently lifted to sleeping boy and placed him in to the bathroom and locked the door.
Inuyasha woke up and saw that he was in the bathroom.
"What the heck am I doing here?!"
Inuyasha tried to open the door but he noticed it was locked. Inuyasha started to bang on the door continuously.
"Sesshomaru let me out! Open the door! Why did you lock me in?!" Inuyasha banged on the door harder
"Let me out please! I wanna get out!"
"Huh? Dammit let me out!"
Inuyasha started to kick the door and bang on it.
"Get me out! What are you doing?! Please I want to get out!!!"
Sesshomaru glared at the door and Ryuka sighed angrily.
"That hanyou is a ruckus."
The three of them stopped what they were doing and Heika and Ryuka left their dorm.
"Come on Sesshomaru let me out!"
Sesshomaru opened the door and grabbed the hanyou's hair. He viscously threw him outside and shut the door in front of him.
Inuyasha got up and started to walk away but someone ends up pulling him away.
"Let me go! Stay away from me-Mmph!"
Someone shoved a cloth into his mouth and was pulled into a room. He was thrown on the bed and tied up. Oh gosh he knew one of these idiots!

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