Ch. 7: Horrible Memories

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Inuyasha woke up and stretched and looked over to Sesshomaru. He was still asleep and they had clean up duty. So Inuyasha rolled over and nudged Sesshomaru. He saw him sleeping peacefully and blushed slightly. Inuyasha gasped and slapped himself. Inuyasha pushed Sesshomaru until he woke up.
Sesshomaru got up and gave Inuyasha a deadly glare which caused him to move back.
"What's the meaning of waking me up?"
"We got cleaning duty."
"Very well hurry and change."
Inuyasha and Sesshomaru changed into neater clothes and brushed their hair and teeth. Then they got out and walked out to the cafeteria. Inuyasha grabbed the brooms and handed it to Sesshomaru but Sesshomaru grabbed the bucket himself since Inuyasha couldn't reach.
Inuyasha immediately started sweeping and Sesshomaru did the same. Inuyasha paused and faced Sesshomaru.
"Uh... Thanks for last night... I could have been hurt again..."
"Nonsense hanyou."
"Man almost raped for the third time!"
"Wasn't it the second?"
Inuyasha gasped and covered his mouth and then sighed.
"No I was raped when I was 10."
Inuyasha gripped his broom trying not to cry from the horrible memory.
"What happened?"
"Uh well... I knew this guy who was at least 25 and he was a human too. I personally thought of him as a friend and a father. My mom and him were friends but she looked scared of him a lot." Inuyasha sighed. "She told me that I shouldn't go near him but I yelled at her and said no because he understood me. She sighed and asked me if he had touched me I said no and she sighed. She told me never mind and left."
Inuyasha started to shiver and started to whimper.
"I later go to his house and I remember him locking the door. I sat down and he got closer to me and it didn't feel right. He slowly touched my leg and stroked it. He started to lick my neck and my face until I was pushed down. He touched me in places I didn't like and shoved a finger in my mouth. He inserted one finger in butt... and I started to cry. He kept telling me I was his... his bitch and he continued to touch me until he threw me outside."
Inuyasha gripped the broom and turned around crying and shaking roughly.
"I understood why my mom hated him. I never forgot the day he never stopped touching me! I was scared and I couldn't do a-anything!"
Inuyasha wiped his eyes but the tears continued to fall.
"He touched my neck, chest, my legs, my b-butt, my....other places! I was scared and I was so stupid. I hated my life!"
Sesshomaru saw his reaction and walked toward him.
"I cut myself every night! I wanted to die! I hated my life! I still do I hate my life I hated i-"
Inuyasha was turned over and embraced. He heard the clunk of the broom on the ground. His eyes were wide and full of tears when he felt Swsshomaru hug him. 'He-He understands my pain?'. Inuyasha was let go and Seashomaru gave him a deadly glare. Inuyasha held his hands close to his chest and he was blushing madly. He turned away and began to sweep again.
Inuyasha was quiet and he felt Sesshomaru behind him.
"You were hurt by that person?"
"Yea... What of it?"
"You understand?"
"Yes I do. You were hurt and don't want to be hurt again I am right?"
They turned away and began sweeping and Inuyasha smiled to himself. He felt free releasing a part of his pain.

Once they finished cleaning they went outside and Inuyasha was hungry for a snack.
"Let's get ice cream!"
"Hanyou I do not eat that."
"Fine I'll get one!"
Sesshomaru watched as Inuyasha brought back two ice creams and handed one to him.
"Taste it."
"Taste it you asshole."
Sesshomaru grabbed the ice cream and bite a piece off and felt a cold sensation on his tongue.
"It's... interesting."
"See ya like it!"
"No I did not hanyou."
"Oh shut up and let's go to the west building."
Sesshomaru followed the boy and threw the ice cream behind him. Once they got in Inuyasha sighed.
"This is boring."
"You choose to be here."
"Do you have to be a freaking jerk every 5 minutes?"
Inuyasha walked in and saw paintings of histories. He glanced at a painting of a man who looked like... "Sesshomaru"
"He looks like you."
Inuyasha pointed at the photo and Sesshomaru sighed.
"Because that's my great, great, great grandfather."
"Cool! How do they know him?"
"Everyone knew Takashi."
"Takashi was your great great great grandfather?! He was a great ruler!"
"Yes that's why I'm "popular" as you would say it."
Inuyasha exited and steeped out to see Heika.
"Yo mutt where's Sesshomaru?"
"There ya flea bag."
"You little-"
"Heika what is it?"
"Come join us we want to talk to you."
"Very well."
Inuyasha turned away and walked away without looking back but Sesshomaru did he did turn around.
Inuyasha paused until he saw his friends.
"Hey there Inuyasha!"
"Oh hi guys!"
"So the party was crazy! I mean we all got a hangover!"
"Yeah I got one too. So what you up to?"
"Well, we came to say bye."
"Bye? Why?"
"We were gonna tell you but we all got transferred to another classing area so your gonna have classes on your own."
"But what how?"
"We don't know but don't worry mutt we can still hang out!"
"I guess."
"Well, see ya next weekend."
They all left and walked to their new dorms and left Inuyasha in the field alone. He turned around and looked around he was really lonely until a teacher found him.
"Inuyasha? What are you doing?"
"Oh sorry Professor. I was just walking around and my friends go transferred to another part of school so I'm sad."
"Yes it seems they were transferred because they all were doing a fine job in class and had to be separated from distractions."
"I can tell."
"Are you down young one?"
"Yea I lost my friends and my roommate hates me and is bothered by me."
"Ah I see why don't you speak with this boy?"
"Ya know what you're right. See ya professor!"
"Good bye lad."
Inuyasha ran towards the gym and entered quietly and saw the group laughing and talking.
"I feel bad for you Sesshomaru. That dog must be a bothersome ass." Kinka laughed.
"Yeah he must be a stupid idiot who clings on you."
"And he was raped three times that's rich!"
Inuyasha gasped 'how-how did they know?'.
"The hanyou is a fool but he must be desperate."
Inuyasha gasped and he swore that was Sesshomaru's voice. Inuyasha's heart split in two and he walked towards the railing and saw the guys.
"He's so desperate! If he allowed himself to get raped then he most be lonely!"
They all started laughing and Sesshomaru even chuckled. Inuyasha felt ashamed and so humiliated. Ryuu turned and saw Inuyasha.
"Speaking of bitch there he is now."
Inuyasha looked at Sesshomaru a betrayed look. Sesshomaru got up and walked towards Inuyasha but he backed away.
"Really? Really?"
Inuyasha shook his head and looked and Sesshomaru with anger in his eyes.
"I'm so stupid."
Inuyasha ran away and Seashomaru actually ran after him. Once he caught Inuyasha he grabbed his arms and yanked him back.
"Damn you! You are an ass!"
"I'm not going to listen to your crap!"
"Hanyou... I didn't reveal any of your secrets."
Sesshomaru's eyes widened. He's never heard Inuyasha say such vulgar words.
"I trusted you! I told you my personal experience and you tell them to your sorry excuse for friends! You would go so low as to tell people?!"
"Don't you ever say my name. I don't want an ass like you tainting my name."
"Listen to me-"
"I know why you did this. You used me. You were messing with me.."
"I did nothing of the sort."
"You wanted to see how far you could go. You would go so low as to tell people my dark past just to humiliate me."
"You used me I actually thought... you understood.... cared.... I was wrong demons always use humans and hanyous!"
"I didn't use you insolent-"
"You are such an ass. I knew you'd do something to me! You actually wanted to get me to this point. They called me a bitch! Your stupid friends called me a bitch! Did you stop that? No. Of course not! You laughed too!"
Inuyasha was crying and shaking.
"I thought we could be friends I thought you actually were starting to accept me. But I was wrong I was so damn stupid!"
Inuyasha began hitting Sesshomaru on his chest and Sesshomaru caught his wrists.
"Get your hands off me!"
"I swear if you don't.."
Inuyasha was panting heavy and crying. He was betrayed not only by him but himself.

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