Ch. 4: Raped and Afraid

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WARNING!: Rape scene!😳😭
Don't like don't read skip this chapter!😭
Inuyasha kept thrashing around trying his best to get free but all he could do was get the cloth out.
"Let me go! What do you want from me?!"
"You disturbed our moment with Sesshomaru so we'll teach you what happens since you wouldn't stop."
"No no! Please don't hurt me!"
They both unbuckled their pants and started to take off his. Inuyasha kept kicking and thrashing but they caught a hold of his legs.
"No please stop!"
They made him rise to his knees and Heika kneeled in front of him. Inuyasha saw what was in front of him and he gasped and started to cry a little. He felt someone grabbed his waist and Inuyasha turned around rapidly and gasped out loud.
"No please don't!"
Heika grabbed his hair and places his mouth near his "area".
"Suck hanyou."
"No please don't make me!"
"Do it hanyou!"
"No no no I don't wanna-Mmph!!!!!"
He gasped as he felt Heika's area in his mouth. Inuyasha closed his eyes and started to cry. He gasped as he felt something tear into his butt. Ryuka thrusted hard into Inuyasha which caused the thing to go deeper in his mouth. Inuyasha shivered as his mouth and but were both getting raped.
'Someone help me please!'
Inuyasha felt a creamy liquid flow into his mouth as he thrust his head back.
All of Heika's "liquid" was on Inuyasha's hair and face. Inuyasha started to pant while the two rapists switched jobs.
Ryuka forced him into Inuyasha's mouth and he began to thrust in his mouth. Heika started to thrust into Inuyasha and Inuyasha started to cry in agony.
Once Ryuka came all over Inuyasha they both threw Inuyasha to the bed and they both started to suck on "him".
"Ahh! Wah!! No please don't!! Let go it hurts! Please it hurts!!"
They didn't pay attention to the boys pleas and continued to rape him.

Sesshomaru felt somewhat bad for throwing Inuyasha out but he did get in the way of-
'Someone please help me'
What on earth was that?! It felt as if someone was calling him until he smelt the salty tears coming from the Hanyou. Sesshomaru went to Heika's room and saw the hanyou crying out in pain as they were forcibly raping him.
Ryuka sees him and let's the hanyou go. Sesshomaru grabs them by the throat and throws them to the wall causing them to become unconscious.
Sesshomaru sees the poor hanyou shaking viscously as he smelt the strong scent of blood and tears in the air.
"S-S-Sesshomaru... They.. I mean... I didn't know...i just... Damn!"
Inuyasha was crying and Sesshomaru lifted him up catching him by surprise. Sesshomaru grabbed his clothes and toke him to their room. Sesshomaru placed the sleeping Hanyou on the bed and saw that his eyes looked shattered enough to say that he was broken. Sesshomaru covered him with a blanket and he goes to bed.
Sesshomaru woke up to hear the hanyou crying out in pleas. He turns to see that it was 12:45am and he didn't want to be awake. Inuyasha yelled which startled Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru got off his bed and tried to wake the hanyou but he was busy fighting his dream attackers.
"Awaken hanyou you are dreaming."
Inuyasha thrashed around and kicked viscously. Sesshomaru grabbed his wrists and shook Inuyasha.
"Wake up this instant!"
Sesshomaru held onto his wrists firmly and shook the hanyou again but this time Inuyasha woke up. Inuyasha's eyes were full of tears as he looked up at a tired and mad dog demon.
"I'm-I'm sorry I woke you..."
"Hanyou why are you yelling?"
"Someone was trying to rape me again..."
Sesshomaru got up and laid on his bed and got in the covers. Inuyasha looked over and felt bad about waking him up at this time. He laid back down and stared at the wall.
"Sorry I woke you up I just didn't know I was dreaming..."
"Sleep hanyou..."
"I'm sorry I really didn't mean it I just-"
"Sleep hanyou!"
"Hmm! F-Fine..."
Inuyasha looked at the ceiling and felt ashamed for what had happened to him. But who's really to blame for? The one who forced him into doing it or the one who allowed them to do that to him? Inuyasha turned off his lamp and looked at the wall. He knew that he was broken but it really got to him.
Inuyasha tried his best to sleep but he couldn't because he was afraid to be dream attacked. He walked to the kitchen and drank a cup of water and about two cups of milk. He just couldn't sleep! He then got some skim milk and that's when his eyes felt heavy.
He got under the covers and he actually drifted off to sleep. Inuyasha closed his eye and ended up falling asleep. For all he knew he had to get over this whole rape thing or it could get the best of him.

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