Ch. 6: Drunk

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2 hours pass:
Inuyasha looks up and realizes he fell asleep. He looks at the time on his phone and jumps up fast.
"It's 4:45pm?! I have to go!"
Inuyasha grabbed his phone and left without a word to Sesshomaru. Once he stepped out all his friends were in front of him.
"Oh hey guys are we gonna go?"
"Yep. Let's go!"
They all walked to a large house that was full of people even girls. Yet one look at the girls and he realized most were drunk of their assess. Inuyasha followed his friends and Kouga pulled him to the food stand.
"Inuyasha try this!"
"What is it?"
"Nuclear booms inserted into a cookie! It's a freaking cookie!"
"Ok ok I'll try it."
Inuyasha took one bite of the cookie and instantly got addicted to it.
"Oh my gosh it's good!"
"Yep we don't know why the flavor is addictive but it's good anyway."
"Miroku? What are you doing?"
Miroku was holding hands with a girl and they were walking upstairs.
"What can't have a little fun?
"He's not gonna..?"
"Don't ask."
Inuyasha grabbed another cookie and ate it rapidly. He jumped once someone touched his shoulder.
"Sorry I startled you. So you're here as well?"
"Oh hi Misaki yeah I decided I'd come."
"Well you enjoy those cookies...?"
"They're good!"
Inuyasha looked at the drinks and toke a glass. He looked at the yellow liquid and tasted it. It was sour and bitter at first but otherwise he likes it. He grabbed cup by cup until Misaki tapped him.
"Don't drink so much..."
"I-I know I only had 2."
"You had 8!"
"Oh crap...!"
Inuyasha started seeing circles and felt a little dizzy. He started laughing our of nowhere and he held onto another cup and drank it.
"Wow I'm so woozy~"
"Who the heck are you? Damn I see 2 of you..."
"You should sit down."
"Who are your two friends aren't you gonna introduce us~?"
"Oh my you're certainly drunk."
Misaki pulled his arm and tried taking him upstairs. He was hoping Inuyasha would get drunk that way he could take advantage of the drunk boy. Once he got upstairs and into a room Inuyasha collapsed on a bed.
"I'm so high Misaki~"
"Yeah yeah."
"What the heck? Where is my butt?!"
"Your butt?"
"Yeah it's so small I can't see it hahaha! Oh crap I'm so not happy."
"Sit here."
"Oh your taking me to bed? You pervy ass~"
"Inuyasha you're going to fall."
"No I'm so fine! I'm gonna pee though."
"Use a bathroom."
"Ok wait nope it's coming out!"
"No no no! Go to a toilet!"
"Why??? My pee is gonna come out! Ya suck!"
Misaki grabbed Inuyasha's wrists and looked into Inuyasha's hazy eyes. Inuyasha just looked confused and just started swaying and laughing.
"Hold onn... I gots to text someone~"
Inuyasha grabbed his phone and called Sesshomaru.
"What is it hanyou?"
"Hiya you ass!"
"Listen I'm here and someone wanna touch me..."
Sesshomaru gritted his teeth and tightened his fists. Why?
"Are you at that party hanyou?"
"No I'm at the freakin circus! Yes I'm at the party where else..? Hey...!"
"Sesshomaru if you want this boy back come get him or I'll have him."
Misaki hung up and Sesshomaru immediately went to where the party was.
Inuyasha was pinned to the bed still drunk and laughing. Misaki smiled to himself to have the hanyou all to himself. He nipped at the hanyou's neck and Inuyasha winced. He looked away exposing more skin and blushed.
"Stop~ just cuz I'm drunk ya can't do dat."
"Silence Inuyasha."
"Get off...~"
Misaki tried to remove the boys clothes but Inuyasha kept pushing away slightly. Inuyasha was so hormonal since he was drunk that he started to tear up afraid he'd be raped again. Misaki grinned at the scared boy and lowered his shirt until it was up to his shoulders. Inuyasha looked away and tried hard to forget the pain but instead he heard a bang on the door.
"Damn it."
"Fox if you value your life unhand him."
"He's mine Sesshomaru."
Inuyasha looked at him with 'what you say?' eyes.
"Release him."
Inuyasha was thrown on the ground unable to get up since he twisted his ankle on the fall. Inuyasha sat up and rubbed his ankle and winced.
"Keep him Sesshomaru I'm not fond of him anyway."
"We're still partners in class doof...~"
"Yes we are you better get us a good grade."
Inuyasha stood up but fell and Sesshomaru had to catch the unconscious hanyou. Sesshomaru saw that Inuyasha had been drugged and he passed out with a hangover. Sesshomaru lifted Inuyasha in his arms and exited the room and paused.
"I warn you fox you lay one finger on him I will make sure you never touch anything again."
Sesshomaru walked out and saw Inuyasha's friends drunk. He got into the car and threw him in the backseat. Sesshomaru drove back to the dorms and carried Inuyasha back to the room. He placed Inuyasha on his bed and covered him with a blanket. Sesshomaru moved his hair away from his face and saw the hickeys on Inuyasha's neck.
Sesshomaru growled and went to his bed. It was 9:30pm time for bed since tomorrow was his clean up duty. He laid down and turned off the lights and went to sleep.

" more...I don't want to..."
Sesshomaru woke up to the sound of Inuyasha panicking and whimpering. He figured it was another dream of his so he got up and shook the hanyou.
"Wake up hanyou."
Inuyasha screamed loud and started to cry.
"No!!! Don't do that it hurts! Please I beg you stop!"
"Awaken hanyou!"
"No I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to!!! Leave me alone Misaki!"
"Wake up!"
Sesshomaru grabbed Inuyasha's wrists and pulled him close. Inuyasha woke up and tried to pull away but Sesshomaru pulled on his wrists.
"S-S-Sesshomaru? What are you doing? Let me go!"
"You were dreaming hanyou."
"Let me go damn it!"
Sesshomaru threw his hands to him and went back to sleep.
"Shut up for the rest of the night."
Inuyasha growled and pulled the covers over is head and slowly fell asleep.

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