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Satan had pretty much explained everything to me. Sure, I was still skeptical about using the money or if the money even existed but I should at least try it.

Grabbing my laptop from the bedside table, I open it and type in my password. "Hmmm... okay let's just buy something small." I go onto Amazon and grab the card, tapping it on my laptop. "Let's see..." I look around for an idea of what to buy.


'Hell yeah, I'll just get something small for Pissy to see what happens."

After typing "cat" into the search bar I begin scrolling. "Oh what about a little sweater! Winter is coming up." I smile, pausing to think it over.

"Yeah she'll look cute." I add the item to my cart and enter the cards info, anxiously waiting for the purchase to go through.

And to my surprise, it works?!

"Oh, maybe I should get something for Satan!" My face gets slightly warm.

"Let's see, let's see..." I whisper to myself, looking through different men's items.


"Satan, Satan look!" I walk inside the apartment, holding a few packages in my arms. I close the door with my foot and throw the packages onto the couch.

"You used the card?" Satan hummed from behind me, slightly leaning forward as he twirled a piece of my hair in between his fingers.

I stiffen and blush, losing my train of thought. "W..what? What'd you say again?" I let out a nervous laugh, not moving to look at him.

Satan stepped closer, pressing his body against mine ever so gently. "Oh, I just asked if you used the card I gave you."

I could feel his smirk from behind me. "Ah you're so irritating!" I force a scoff and push past him, grabbing a box. "Of course I used the card.. you would've just used it to get really dumb stuff."

"Dumb stuff like what?" Satan asks, a smirk still on his face.

"I don't know! Just dumb stuff." I laugh, opening the box. "Close your eyes!"

"Oh? Are you trying to sneak a kiss from me?" Satan gasps, covering his large smirk. "Why, I never expected that of you!" He teased, chuckling in his deep voice.

I groan and quicky cover his eyes with my own hand, refusing to let him see me blush. "Shut up! You wish I'd kiss you."

Satan grabbed my wrist and in a second, he moved my hand from his eyes and pulled me towards him. "So what if I do?"

Our lips were close again. The tension was thick. I wasn't sure what to do.

We stared at each other for so long I left like my legs were about to give up from the nervousness-- my heart is beating so fast.

"Im kidding. You're so easily flustered, aren't you?" He cooed in my ear, lightly laughing next to it. The breath from his mouth tickled and excited me, but I hated this game he was playing, but also, I really enjoyed it.

"Don't play with my feelings like that..." I smirked, glancing at him as I open one of the packages. "But seriously, close your eyes!"

Satan shut his eyes, resting one hand on his hip. "I wonder what you're so excited about."

"You'll see in a second. Hold out your arms!"

"There, open your eyes."

"Oh, you got this for me?"

"Yes! Do you like it!?"

He held a shirt up to his chest, smiling slightly. "Yes! Considering I don't really have any valuables here, or... any clothes, this is perfect." He grins at my eye roll.

"Yeah, well, whatever. You've been doing just fine with the stuff I got you last time! And plus, we went shopping yesterday!" I cross my arms.

Satan grins more and ignores my comment to pick up the second package. "What's this?"

"Oh, I think that's for Pissy! I saw this really cute kitty on their website and I really wanted this pink princess sweater for Pissy but they were all out so I got a pink "bad bitch" sweater for her! I'll show you a pic of the other one though." I pull out my phone to look for the photo as Satan opens up the box.

"I'm not sure this is Pissys clothing." Satan speaks with an amused tone.

My heart drops for a second. I look up, and to my horror, Satan is holding up a pair of red lace underwear.

I calmly take the underwear from his hands and drop it back into the box, grab the box itself, and pull it to my chest.

"This was a gift." I lie, feeling my face burn.

"Oh, from your secret admirer?" He muses, as his signature sly smirk makes its way onto his face.

"As a matter of fact, yes! They bought this off my Amazon wishlist." I state ever so boldly, looking away from him.

"Oh I see, I see! So if I check the credit card history, there won't be anything about purchasing a pair of red lace underwear?"

"Okay, goodnight." I rush to my room ignoring the laughs of Satan from behind me.

"It's only 5pm!"

A Sense Of Comfort (Satan X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now