The Beginning- Ch. 1

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(*italics are used when you are in thought or talking to yourself*)
(F/N L/N means first name last name)

"What the fuck!" Mother yelled as you played with your favorite Pro-Hero, Midnight. You liked how she used her special whip. You wanted to have something like that one day. You also liked how she would whip people to get their attention.
"I'm sorry ma'am, but unfortunately your daughter has no quirk. It's rare but chances are, she might not have one." Your pediatrician said, as his irritation grew from your mother's screaming attitude.

"I'm sorry sir," your dad said, turning to your mother. "Honey, calm down. We can wait! Don't worry about it so much, maybe she's just a late bloomer."
"Calm down?!! My first daughter doesn't have a quirk and out of ALL PEOPLE, YOU expect ME to be calm?!? Nah baby, that's not how it's gonna work." Your mother looked out and raged, as she kept yelling and cursing out profanities. You were used to it by now.

She reminded you of your friend Bakugo and his mom, since she also has some anger issues. She was still very kind, unlike your mom, who would always yell at you for the smallest things or, possibly even forget about you. You would run to your dad for protection but he wouldn't even look at you because he was too focused on his video games. Why even have me if you wouldn't care for me. Condoms and birth control exist for a reason. Maybe that's the reason why you didn't develop a quirk? Malnutrition? Attention deprived?
"Let's just go home, okay? We'll figure out what we'll do once we get home and calm down a bit, got it?" Your father stated as he comforted your mother with an arm around her shoulder rubbing it lightly. Your father had a Korean-Veitmanse descent while your mother had a Latino-Russian descent. They both grew up to be quite famous and you wanted to follow their steps, but as you grew up, you knew that it wasn't going to be easy.

As you were pulling up in the big driveway outside of your house after leaving the doctors appointment, you decided to admire your home, not knowing that it would be one of the last times you would see it. Your home was gorgeous, as it had the perfect mixture of white and bright colors. Not only that but, it was fancy and there were a bunch of big rooms like the mini movie theater on the third floor. Which was one of your favorite spaces to chill in!

You overhear the commotion happening in the living room but, it was too muffled to comprehend. You paused your game, got up, and left the gaming room, curious of what the shouting was all about. Slowly, you started tiptoeing to the doorway that was near the living room to get a better listen and a better view of what was going on.
"What the heck are we going to do with her? She doesn't have a quirk, that was the only inspiration I had to actually raise this child."
"Babe, does it look like I know? I only said it to look "professional"." He paused and thought for a bit.
"I guess we can wait."
"Why do you have to be so stubborn all the damn time." I can only imagine mom rolling her eyes like she always does.

When you heard the conversation between your parents has ended, you went back to your game, Among Us! You weren't too worried about the whole situation though, as cruel as they are. You didn't think that your parents would do anything terrible.

But it was always in the back of your mind.

*Few years later*

The bright sun that illuminated through your yellow blinds woke you up. It took awhile for you to even sit up out of bed but eventually, you forced yourself up since you had to go to school. You attend UA Highschool.

You looked at your phone and saw it was 8:30 AM.

Still have enough time to get ready. While tired, you waddled over and slipped your slides on, getting yourself together for the rest of your day.
School started at 10:00. So you had a good 2 hours to get ready. You hopped into the shower and took a nice warm bath, lathering the soap on your skin making it nice and smooth. Scrubbing shampoo into your hair, and making sure it was neat and clean. You finished up, grabbing your head and body towel to wrap around your body. You went up to your mirror admiring your beautiful face and body. You brushed your hair, teeth, and did your makeup. Finally, you put on your uniform and headed down stairs to the kitchen. The house was dark, since there were no lights on.

This was your first year Attending Ketsubutsu Academy High School and the tension was eating you bit by bit. After you made breakfast, you decided to make something for your parents, too. You checked the time once again. 9:30, right on time. You grabbed your bag, and started walking to school.
"Name?" The front desk lady asked, while staring at the stack of cards.
"L/N F/N"
"Here, your homeroom number and other info you need is on that card. Oh also, keep that card all year round because that's what lets you into the school."
"Alright, thanks!" you said as you wandered off, looking for your classroom.

To be continued

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