The Dark Den- Ch. 4

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He pulls up to a mansion, in the middle of nowhere. You leave his car, walking to the front door. He unlocks the door and welcomes you in.
"Welcome, she will help you with your things." He stated while pointing to a lady on your right.
"Ok, thanks."
"No problem." He said and walked off into the distance.

You followed the maid to your new room, it was nice to say the least. It was also kind of dark, but it had a big bed, which was the best part. You started unpacking and putting your clothes into the drawers provided. You then decided after you've finished that you would walk around and check the place out. Sort of like a tour, until you bumped into someone. You looked at them and noticed it was Akihiko.

"Sorry, I'm just checking the place out." You clarified, with a fake smile on your face.
"Oh no, it's fine! I was just about to go to your room and get you so we could talk. Follow me."
Before he even let you answer, he grabbed your arm and took you to his room.
"So, what did you need to talk about?"
"Oh you know, the basics."
"Oh.. ok, but can I ask you a question?" You asked while playing with the blankets on his bed.
"Sure, but I don't know if I'll have an answer."
"Why did you bring me here? I don't know you and plus, I barely know your brother."
"One, because I wanted to and two, because I can and three, I have some plans that I thought you could take part in."

"Well, spit it out. What plans?" You questioned him.
"Oh you'll see." He said, with a smirk on his face.
"Also, there's a specific schedule you'll find in your room. I suggest you go and check it out. It'll help you a lot."

You nodded and left the room, going back to yours to go see what he was talking about.
You got to your room and saw the schedule on the desk. I'll check it out later.
Your stomach began to rumble since you haven't had food in days. I wonder what time I'll be able to eat something. You laid down on your bed, slowly drifting to sleep.

*two hours later*

You wake up to a knock on your door.
"Ms. L/N, dinner is ready. Master Akihiko suggested that you get ready and join him." The maid stated, while knocking on your door.
"Alright." You mumbled and got ready.

You went downstairs to the dining room to find both Akihiko and Atsushi, sitting around the table waiting for you. The table was filled with food. Edge to edge. You ran to your seat and went to grab some meat. SMACK! Suddenly, you witnessed a whip hitting your hand. You flung your hand away, groaning in pain.

"OWW! Dude, what the fuck? I haven't eaten in two days, leave me alone. I'm starving." You said, wearing an irritated look on your face.
"Manners honey, manners. I don't know about your house but in mine, we don't do anything ourselves. That's simply why we have maids. She will be making your plate."
"No, I can do it myself. I don't need a maid to do shit for me."

"Well, you're under my roof, under my rules, and it's required for you to follow them. Got it?" He came closer to your face and caressed your cheek, peering at you.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." You crossed your arms.
You ate and ate, non-stop. The amount of food you consumed was unbelievable. Which made the fact that they only ate a bit, crazy. How can you resist such good food? There was almost anything you could imagine. All the meats and all the sweets. Macaroons, cookies, beef, pork, rice, beans, pie, mashed potatoes.

"Hey, I think you should slow down a bit. You're gonna get fat." Atsushi suggested.
"Ha, I don't get fat easily babe, I can eat a whole restaurant and gain only 1-3 pounds." You declared, with your face full of food.
"Lucky you."
"Luckily indeed. Also, I suppose you didn't check your schedule so I'll just give you a quick run down." Akihiko added.
You nodded, surprised about how he knew.
"One, by 8:00 you need to get up and get ready.
Two, You will have training everyday from 12-4.
Thr-" He stopped, as you interrupted him. "What do I need training for? Am I going to fight people? What's the deal?"
"Missions, you are going to need a lot of it." He begins walking around the room.
I wonder what missions he's talking about.
"Now let me continue; Three, do as we say or there will be a punishment. Four, you are to never go somewhere without our permission. Got that? Just in case, it's in your room, so you don't suddenly forget."

You finished up eating and headed to your room to take a nice warm bath. You undressed yourself and took off your makeup, filled the tub with some warm water and filled it with bubbles. You hopped in and started contemplating whether you were making a smart choice or not.

What would've happened if I didn't let him take me? What is my new life going to be like? Are my parents worried about me? What if I'm doing something I shouldn't? What if I joined something without even noticing?

You started to overthink, and started having a panic attack. You took a deep breath and calmed down a bit. It's fine, everything's going to be ok. Maybe this won't be so bad. What could possibly go wrong, right? You got out of your shower and wrapped a towel around your body and left the bathroom to choose some pjs, when you were startled by Atsushi, laying on your bed.

"What are you doing here?!"
He shot up and looked at you, scratching the back of his head.
"Oh, sorry. It's just that I wanted to tell you some stuff that my brother didn't."
"Well you couldn't wait until later?" You asked, as you went to your drawer.
"No, because it's some serious stuff and I don't want you getting hurt." 'Getting hurt?' What does that mean?

(To be continued)

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