Little Fucker

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Hey y'all, I haven't uploaded in a while, sorry for that. But I'm back and I hope to upload a few chapters this week! Thanks for your patience!! Love y'all ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

Waking up, you realized you felt clean, wearing a fresh set of pajamas. Hmm, did he give me a shower? You thought. In oblivion, you laid in bed, trying to recall what occurred last night. Your eyes widened at the thought of it. That's impossible, that didn't happen. You refused to believe that any of it happened. You got up and went to the bathroom.

"Damn he even took off my makeup. And he did pretty well, too," you said out loud.

"Why thank you," Shindo said, walking into the room, causing you to be caught by surprise.

"How long have you been there for??" you questioned.

"None of your concern. How'd you sleep?"

You roll your eyes in response, "Pretty well, I guess." You proceed to start brushing your teeth, noticing a while after that Shindo was just standing there, with an attentive gaze. You finished up and turned to him, curious about what he was looking at you for.

"So you have something to tell me or..???" You state, passing him to go towards your closet. "No, but I do want to inform you about some changes."

You stop dead in your tracks and look back, "What changes?!?"

"Well, I found this new girl, almost in the same situation as you. In the streets, yada yada yada. So I invited her to live with us obviously." Pure disgust fused onto your face as more words came out of his mouth.

"Just because she's poor doesn't mean you invite her. What is this, a homeless shelter?" You say, walking back into the bathroom with a set of clothes. You hated this idea, you wanted to be the only 'special one'. It wasn't fair to you.

"And, just because you got the chance to fuck me doesn't mean you have a say in anything." He responded, "By the way, you're going to be sharing your room with her." He declared, just before leaving. "HUH!?" You dropped your brush. "YOU LIVE IN THIS HUMONGOUS ASS HOUSE AND YOU'RE TELLING ME SHE HAS TO SHARE A ROOM WITH ME?!? DON'T YOU HAVE ANY OTHER ROOMS?" You leave the room, running after him in just a tee-shirt and panties.

"ANSWER ME! I WANT A BETTER EXPLANATION!" As you continue to follow him, you suddenly feel something pulling you in, taking you to a room.

It was Atsushi. "Oh, it's you, Atsushi. Hey," You say in surprise.

"So how was last night?" He asked, in suspicion. You look at him with a raised eyebrow. How does he even know..?

"Um what do you mean by that?" You question.

"I saw you guys last night, you were passed out and he was carrying you to your room. You looked pretty messed up" You looked away, flustered, "Oh, that. Uh.."

"It's fine you don't have to tell me, I can already tell. It's not the first time." He interrupted. First time... what??

"First time? What are you trying to say?"

"Well, you know, he's done the same things to many girls before, fuck them and stuff."

"Huh?" You were genuinely surprised, but then you think to yourself, why am I so shocked? I shouldn't be, he's rich so he gets what he wants. He must've fucked many girls before me. You noticed that Atsushi constantly darted his eyes around so vigilantly. "Why are you looking around so much?"

"Okay, move back a little.." He says, pushing you into a room. You gave him a muddled look. "Stop giving me that face, you look like a gremlin." Your mouth opens wide, "Wow, you didn't have to do me like that," You whine. He chuckles, quietly closing and locking the door. "Why are you closing the door so secretly?"

"It's my turn." He smirks, impelling you onto the bed. You slowly back up on the bed, "Your turn to do what?"

He grabs your legs pulling you closer to him, gazing down at your kitty then glaring right back up at you.

"What the fuck are you thinking about doing?" You start moving your legs, trying to let go of his grasp, but his grip was too strong, making it hard for your legs to even budge.

"As I said, it's my turn. He's not the only one that gets to have fun."

(to be continued) 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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