The Beginning- Ch.3 Part 3

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"You can't hide from me bitch, I fucking saw you!" He got even louder with every step he took, getting closer to you. Your anxiety blasted through the roof. You don't know why but he just.. scares you. His appearance, although he's hot like a motherfucker, it's like he worked for something that you didn't want to get involved in. Stuck in your thoughts staring at the floor, you didn't notice that he was right there, staring at you.

"H-Hi," You said nervously while trying not to make eye contact with him. "What are you doing here?" His short smile turned into a malicious smirk.
"I'd ask the same thing but, this situation seems obvious. So, you got kicked out, didn't you?"
"H-How d-did you know?" You asked.
"I have my ways." He implied, with a miniature giggle.

You shot back up, glaring at the store clerk. In response, he mouthed "Sorry!" While in a crippled or frightened position.

"Okay yeah, maybe I did get kicked out. So what? Are you gonna give me a place to stay? Bet not." You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms. 
"Actually.. I was actually thinking about doing so but, you're being pretty bratty." He snickered.
"Well thanks but, I don't need it. I don't even know you."

"You do know my brother though. Correct?"
You looked back at him in confusion. Wait... then who's this? Don't tell me this man isn't Atsushi.
"By the confused look on your face I could tell that you're assuming that I'm Atsushi. Sadly, that's not the case here. I'm actually his older brother. People say we look extremely alike."
Oh. Makes sense.
"So," he paused. "You down?"
"Down for what??"
"To come live with us? What else?" He said in a straightforward manner.
"Oh yeah, no." You replied.
"Why not?" He questioned, stepping closer to you, which caused you to back up. As you a few took steps back, your foot bumped into a wall, leaving you trapped in his embrace. He flung his hand onto the wall, making sure you couldn't escape. "Aww, you're exactly like what my brother told me."
"What exactly did he say?" You requested, with a cross look on your face.

"Oh, nothing." He smirked, putting a finger on your chin, lifting it up, causing your eyes to meet once again. He grabbed your arm and bags, dragging you into his car, taking you somewhere far, far away.
"Oh my bad, I forgot to present myself. The name's Akihiko."

(To be continued)

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