A/N (important)

124 5 3

Alrighty guys, below is the previous author's note but I do just want to say that I've decided to rewrite this and I'll try to keep you all updated when I do. There's a pretty large chance I won't be able to start rewriting this until winter break as I'm very overwhelmed with tests and trying to keep my grades up. I'll do my best to get a chapter out soon, but for now I'm going to mark this as completed. When rewritten, it'll be as a different book since it will likely have a different plot. On another note...

Thank you so much for 1.75k reads! It means a lot and I never thought I'd even get past 100! Thank you all again and I'll do my best to get a chapter out for the rewrite :)


I was kinda hoping that I'd never post an announcement as a chapter itself, but here we are.

I'm honestly losing a lot of motivation for the book and it's been so long since I started it that I don't remember the original plot I decided on. I kind of want to discontinue this but if the readers still want to read this, then I'll rewrite it.

I think I started this when I was twelve, maybe a little before I turned thirteen (I'm fourteen now). The writing feels really weird to me so I might just rewrite this entirely and give it a better plot than I think I had come up with a while back.

But, this is up to you guys so leave your votes here.

✨discontinue completely✨



Keep in mind that if the rewrite wins then I'll mark this story as completed and begin a new one with the same characters and such.

But yea! Let me know what you think! Have a nice day/night!

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