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Kaida POV

I couldn't help but feel so much grief and anger, I couldn't wrap my head around this. I stormed in the hideout with my flames going out around me as my bloodlust spiked . "Who did it? Where are they?" I shouted at everyone. "Kaida. I know you're upset we all are, but you've startled everyone." I heard Chrollo's soft tone call out. I looked and saw majority of the troupe looking at me with wavering emotions. "I'm sorry. I'm just really distressed." I said I walked over to and sat next to Feitan. "We know how close you guys were." Paku said as she pulled me into a hug. "Shalnark had given Uvo information about the whereabouts of the chain user." Franklin said looking down a chain user? "But we know the person who he's working under." Everyone raised an eyebrow at this, "Go on." I said in a serious tone. "The chain user is working for the Nostrade family. The head of the family has a daughter who is currently being guarded by these people. She is favored among the ten dons, and other highly known mafia leaders."  Shalnark said, we heard Chrollo stand we all gazed up at him. "We're taking this auction. Everything. Go crazy." Everyone smirked it's what Uvo would have wanted. "Ne where's Machi and Nobunaga?" I asked, Nobunaga was closer to Uvo as well before they met all of us the original members. "They were arguing about if Uvogin is actually dead or alive. Danchou said to capture the chain user." Shizuku said while looking at a magazine. We all waited around as Chrollo and Shalnark went to the place they were with Uvogin before he left to find the chain user. "Oi you don't think Danchou wants to recruit this chain user, right?" I asked most looked at me "No. I don't think so." I heard a small voice call out we turned to see Feitan with a displeased look on his face. "I feel like this chain user could be someone who held a grudge against Uvogin or the troupe." Phinks said we all began to think more about this. Phinks and Paku left as we felt a few presences around the area. I sat beside Feitan asking him, Franklin, and Shalnark about the things the auction might've been selling. As we were talking Shalnark came back without Chrollo "Ne where's Danchou?" I asked playing with my flames on my fingertips. "He's going to lure in that Nostrade daughter. Apparently, she's the reason for their success." He said in his usual tone. We noticed two unknown presences of people with Machi, Nobunaga, Phinks, and Paku. No, it's not unknown I know them one of them I hold dearly. As I was in my head, everyone tensed as the felt my bloodlust encase the whole hideout. "Oi Kaida what's wrong." Franklin asked, but I was so wrapped in my thoughts I didn't hear anything. My eyes widened as I heard his footsteps, no he wouldn't be here. It's not him. As we heard their footsteps come to a stop "Welcome to our base." We all turned to look at we're they were. "Kaida we can feel your bloodlust all the way outside. You scared these kids and Phinks." Nobunaga said laughing. My eyes widened and my bloodlust thickened even more.  Killu? What is my Killu doing here?  I made eye contact with the four that brought them in, and they tensed under my eye contact. I  kept my face void of expression, I noticed how they looked at Hisoka. They obviously know him. I noticed how Killu looked around and noticed me. His eyes widened and he began to tremble while looking at me. "Oh?!" We turned to look at the kid with the green outfit. "What is it? You know someone here?" Nobunaga asked them. Killua sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck "Ah no.. Oh it's that girl!" "Oh? Do you know them Shizuku?" Phinks asked "Nope, never seen them before." She said not caring "huh?" Killu let out. "Oh I remember... it's the arm wrestling kid." Feitan let out "Who was that?" Shizuku was confused at this point. "Two days ago, you lost to that kid at arm wrestling." Franklin said pointing at him. "Shizuku you lost to a kid?" She looked genuinely confused "Lost? I lost? That's a lie! I would never lose to kid you know that Kaida-san." She said I waved my hand at her "Hai, Hai I believe you Shizuku." I sighed "Well, you were using your right hand..." Franklin continued "Why? I'm left-handed." She said already getting annoyed "Don't bother. Once Shizuku's forgotten something, she'll never remember." Feitan said already over this. Franklin sighed "Nevermind I was mistaken." "Thought so." I leaned closer to Feitan "Did she really lose?" He gave a slight nod. "Oh? You actually beat Shizuku?" Nobunaga began getting interested "Yeah." "Okay, I'll challenge you." He began pulling back his hair. "Ne, Nobunaga I think you should stop being around Phinks so much." I called out looking at my hands with my flames not burning my gloves. "HAH? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Phinks raised his voice at me. I looked at Feitan and then began laughing "It means he's acting a bit feminine. You know like you." I said as Feitan and Shalnark laughed  "Kaida you know if I knew you weren't a fucking sadist like Feitan, I would've punched you already" he said annoyed. "Kaida you this boy, right?" Paku asked me I watched as they looked at me. "Mhm, that's my husband's little brother. The heir of the Zoldyck Family." I said looking at Killu. He remembered I was there and turned to me. "Oh, this kid." Machi said pointing at Killu, I nodded. "Why exactly did you bring these kids here?" I said they all knew how I get when it comes to kids. Especially Illumi's siblings. My bloodlust seeped out my flames surrounding me. Feitan moved away as my flames were getting bigger. I noticed how everyone became tense not wanting to upset me by the wrong response. "Machi believes they have some kind of connection to the chain user." As soon as I heard that my flames vanished and I appeared in front of Killu."Machi?" I asked with out looking at her "Yeah, just a hunch." She said looking at my reaction. "I trust your instincts." I said bending down and picking up Killu. I hugged him I felt his arms wrap around my neck. "What are you his mom?" I let my flame reach Phinks "Shut up." I said I took Killua and sat him on my lap "Paku, did you find anything?" I asked she shook her head. I looked into Killua's eyes and I saw fear in place of where love once was. I sighed "Killu no one is going to touch you I promise." I began to lean him towards my chest and stroking his fluffy hair. He began to relax under my touch. "Even if we tried Kaida would disintegrate us, and we'd have the whole Zoldyck family to deal with." Shizuku pointed out. I laughed when response. "Ne, Shizuku I'm sad you think I'd use my flames to have you all in ashes. It would be much more fun to watch how long until you drive yourself mad getting tortured." I let my idea go out. Feitan chuckled at my words.

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