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Hearing her sigh to herself for the nth time today, Shoto looks at the girl next to her as they walk along the beach, "What are you thinking about?"

Mizuki looks up at him and gives him a small pout, "You know... when Mr. Aizawa said we were going to Nabu Island for an assignment, you'd think we'd have more time together to do stuff."

The two had started dating after the internships, specifically after the Stain incident. The dynamics of the relationship were unexpected. Mizuki, usually bold and confident, being the shy one when it comes to PDA. Shoto, hidden and collected, being the careless one.

Although the end of small dates leaves Mizuki's cheeks a fiery red whenever she thinks about them, it's shocking to her that they were better dates than being on the island.

Shoto hums in response, stopping their walk before turning to Mizuki and giving her a peck on the tip of her nose. The girl's head jerks back in surprise, red filling her face and before she can stutter something out, the boy covers her mouth.

"It's nice to hear that we're both fretting over the same thing," He removes his hand, and Mizuki just stares at him, "But as you said, this island is an assignment only. We're supposed to be the heroes of this island remember?"

He smirks as she lets out a defeated sigh, her right hand reaching to hold his left, both continuing their walk on the sand. She liked staying on his left all the time, "It's always warm to the touch, and whenever I look at this side specifically... it's comforting," she had said. The statement left him shocked at first, but from then on, that day had become special to him.

They reach an area filled with food stands and the girl nudges him with her shoulder, "Hey, let's get snow cones, my treat?" She pauses before giving him a look, "I swear... my treat. Not yours."

Shoto rolls his eyes, "My old man doesn't need more money than he already has and between the two of us, you happen to spend more money. So no, my tre-"

He's cut off by a shout from one of Shoji's limbs at the watch post of the beach, "Asui, at 70 meters towards the rocks is a drowning child!"

Asui comes by Shoji and lets out, "I'm going." As she hops towards the child from the sand and then into the water. The couple looks at the body of water and sees said child getting thrashed around by the waves.

Mizuki lifts her left arm, forms a fist with her hand, and brings it back. The waves calm down, and Sato yells while he's seen rapidly rowing his boat towards the boy.

Just before he reaches him, Asui's tongue lifts the boy high above the water. Sato rows past the two, comes to a halt, and makes his way towards the child, visibly panting. Mizuki can't help but snort.

Asui's tongue hands him the child and the two see Sato saying something to the boy, who suddenly starts sobbing. "Why are you crying?!" Sato shouts in distress, as his efforts to calm the boy down fail. Asui says something, but it's not loud enough with Dark Shadow on the other side of the beach warning citizens to not swim in the rock zone.

Shoto and Mizuki turn their heads and watch as Sero makes a "billboard" out of tape above the rocks that says, 'NO TRESPASSING' which leads to people at the beach, cheering for them.

Shoto keeps a straight face and mumbles, "It's not a show..."

Mizuki gives his hand a small squeeze and tilts her head at him, "Well it encourages the boys to work harder you know."

The taller is about to pinch her nose before an owner of a food stand yells in their direction, "Shoto, could I ask you for some more ice?" Shoto turns to the direction of the snow cone stand that the two of them were looking at a few minutes ago.

"Yes." Is all he says before he summons a huge spike of ice that's almost the same height of the stand, "Here."

The owner jumps in an odd position and nervously says, "That's too much!" The girl beside Shoto slaps his arm playfully with her freehand in agreement.

"Miss Kasumi, could I please have some more water? If it's not too much to ask." A lady at a lemonade stand asks.

Mizuki looks back at the lady smiles, "Of course!" She let's go of Shoto's hand, much to his dismay, and gives him a pat on the shoulder as if saying, 'I'll be right back' before making her way to the back of the stand.

She grabs the pitcher hidden underneath the counter and fills it up with her left hand. As she's almost done filling up the pitcher, a cold hand touches the back of her costume and she jolts in surprise, accidentally spraying water onto the lady.

"Oh my god," Mizuki covers her mouth, then moving one hand again to reach out to the lady, "I am so sorry!"

The lady tells her that it's no worries, but Mizuki continues to apologize as she uses the wind to help dry her off. The culprit just stands behind the girl.

"Please don't worry at all Kasumi! It actually helped a little bit by fighting off the heat today."

Mizuki stands up straight once the woman is fully dry, and fixes the skirt of her costume. "That helps me feel a bit better, we can definitely feel the heat with our costumes." She motions to herself and Shoto.

The owner smiles at them a suggests, "Maybe you could lose the leggings and replace the skirt with shorts. As for the young man.... maybe use short sleeves?"

Mizuki laughs in reassurance, "I'll keep those ideas in mind! We'll be on our way now, the water should last for the rest of the day."

They leave the stand and walk around to the front, waving to the lady before making their way back to the 'office' building reserved to the students of UA.

When they both finally step off the sand and onto concrete, Mizuki flicks the side of Shoto's head, an "Ow" coming out from the latter.

"What the hell was that?!" She whisper shouts.

Rubbing the spot that was flicked, Shoto just stares at her, "What was what?"

Mizuki rolls her eyes and grabs his right hand with her right hand, "What a funny little stunt you played, Todoroki Shoto. Do it again and I'll make sure your nose is filled with water as soon as possible."

Disregarding the threat, Shoto brings her hand, which is still holding onto his, to his lips, and gives it a kiss.

The girl screams inside a bit before yanking her hand from his grasp. She sways her hand in a zigzag motion and a strong wind plays with Shoto's hair, creating a mess of red and white.

Shoto reaches up again and touches the messy hair on top of his head. Mizuki muffles a laugh with her hand before turning around and dashing away.

He stares at her retreating figure with a small smile and finally decides to run after her.


A/N: mizuki's hero costume is the attached picture, feel free to imagine any out of the three, but i'll most likely be referencing to the second one throughout the story. the beads of the bracelet on the top right are mini bombs of wind and water.

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