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The villain grins, he braces himself and suddenly, large tufts of fur pops out from the sleeves of the jacket he's wearing, "Bring it on." He taunts.

Iida and Kirishima charge towards the villain. Being long distance fighters, Asui, Mizuki and Shoto stay behind, Shoto doing his best to slow down the villain with his ice.

"Mizuki, here." Asui gestures to the girl to follow her to a slightly secluded spot.

They crouch down and Mizuki examines Asui who covers herself in a liquid toxin. The silver eyed girl starts creating a bunch of water spheres and Asui does her part by coating them in her poison.

Kirishima suddenly flies into the cliffs next to them and Mizuki stands up, water spheres floating behind her, "Kirishima!" She worriedly yells, but the redhead just jumps out of the crater he's made, waving Mizuki off, "I'm fine, go! Stick to the plan."

Mizuki curses and makes her way to Shoto's side, launching a few water spheres at multiple parts of the villain.

The villain laughs as a sphere splashes on his chest, "What a brutal attack." He mocks.

The girl gets frustrated at the comment, preparing to knock him down with a wave from the water behind him.

"Mizuki!" Shoto says next to her, gaining her attention and preparing his left side. She blinks, realizing what they have to do.

He shoots fire at the villain, and Mizuki uses her right side, wind mixing with the flames, directing it towards the villain as well as intensifying it.

The villain hunches down with his arms crossed, and lets out a roar, standing straight and opening his arms wide.

A huge breeze from the action stops the embers, causing it to fly away in different directions and disperse.

"Shit." Shoto exclaims, looking over at the girl next to him who looks even more agitated.

Iida comes in from behind the villain, jumping and aiming to kick his head but the villain stops his kick with a claw. 

The blue haired student just uses the remaining momentum he has, to swing around to the other side of the villain who quickly uses his other arm to block Iida, and pushes him away.

Shoto decides to create a huge spike of ice, big enough to block the villain's view.

Unfortunately, the ice cracks and finally bursts, revealing the villain who spits out his cigar. He looks down at them with a snarl, "I told you it was no use."

He closes in on himself, preparing a huge attack, a force encasing him. But suddenly he stops with a twitch and tries to move.

"M-My body's...!?" He stutters out, examining his stiffened limbs.

Mizuki hisses out to herself, "Yes!" Just as planned.

Shoto takes a step back, trying his best to hide a smile, "There was a reason why we kept using the same boring moves."

Iida fixes his glasses, "On my legs, Kasumi's spheres, and Kirishima's hands... they were coated in a toxic mucus made by Asui."

The frog girl appears on the side of the battle grounds, previously camouflaged, arms dripping with the toxin, "Call me "Tsu," she corrects.

Kirishima stands high, "Resign yourself old man!" He yells, hardening his arms and clashing his fists together.

Asui hops down to crouch alongside the group.

"Acting so insolent." The villain growls out, the remaining ice around him suddenly breaks due to a sudden force.

Mizuki watches in horror as the villain's physique enlarges.

His jacket rips off, muscles bulging out angrily, "I'll show you...." He lifts his leg, claws on his feet expanding, "Why I'm called a monster!" He yells, voice gradually becoming distorted as he continues to speak.

He writhes around with a roar, now four times bigger than he previously was.

The group steadies themselves, "That form makes him look like Amajiki!" Kirishima yells over the roar.

Shoto looks up as exotic colors form around the villain's snout. What?

The villain opens his mouth, filled with a ball of energy. Shoto lets out a noise as he uses ice to block the incoming attack.

The beam flies out of the villain's mouth and Shoto takes a step back.

Iida's eyes widen and he grabs the back of Mizuki's costume, pulling her away from her spot, "Damn!" He curses and grabs Shoto as well, placing him on his shoulder.

"Asui!" He yells, and said girl ribbits in response, grabbing Kirishima with her tongue and hopping out of the area before the ice breaks.

The villain leaves his mouth open, slowly turning his head, continuing to burn the trees surrounding the area.

The ruin had completely turned into hell, and the group hides behind a caved in area.

"Shit." Shoto curses once again, placing a hand on Mizuki's back. The girl has a hand clenching her chest, she struggles to breathe, intense flames being a weakness against her hydrating quirk.

She pushes at Shoto's chest, hand being removed from her back, "I'll be fine, just give me a minute." She groans, and Shoto runs a hand through his hair in frustration.

"That's some crazy power." Kirishima nervously says.

Asui retracts her tongue, "We can't even get close to him."

Iida turns to Shoto, "My Recipro will be over soon."

Mizuki regains her breath and Shoto looks up at the group, "Create an opening for me."

The students' eyes widen in curiosity and Shoto continues, "Get me close to him."

Kirishima moves forward, "And then what?"

Shoto looks back at Mizuki, she looks back at him and he finds himself getting lost in her silver eyes, "I have an idea." 

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