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"We know that there are at least three villains still out there." Midoriya acknowledges, the students had gathered and cleared up the table and placed a map of the island there.

He points to a small area of land next to the island, "We'll use the castle ruins as our base, and leave the enemy only a single route to reach us."

Midoriya taps at the entrance of the ruins, "Then, we'll split up the villains with a defensive strike." He glances up at Sero, Ochako, Mineta, Yaoyorozu and Aoyama, the ones in charge of the separation.

He continues but trails off, "Using the terrain in each area..."

Bakugo cuts in, "We'll beat them into the ground!"

Addressing Sato and Koda, "We'll have the people of the island evacuate into a cave located in the cliffs." Midoriya says.

He gestures at the sleeping siblings on the couch Yaoyorozu was previously on, "Katsuma and Mahoro will be guarded by us." Us being Midoriya himself, Ojiro, Jirou, and Shoji.

"We also need to secure an escape route if it comes down to that."

Shoto looks at Midoriya next to him, "How will we deal with the one with multiple quirks?"

The green eyed boy stands up straight, "When Kacchan and I fought him, he suddenly doubled over like he was in pain. His body probably can't handle the amount of quirks he has. Which is why he's trying to steal Katsuma's cell activation quirk."

Mizuki snaps her fingers in realization, "I see, so we'll have to exhaust him."

Midoriya nods, "We'll attack him in waves to make him use his quirks." His tone changes to a more serious one, "Since he can steal quirks, we need to do this in a way that avoids close combat."

"It'll be great if that let's us defeat the villain."

The students clear out of the building, and start making their way to the ruins.

Mizuki and Shoto walk next to Midoriya, wanting to hear the rest of what the boy has to say.

"If we can't defeat him... we just have to last until help comes." He hesitantly says.

"Then we can protect everyone." Shoto replies, trying to be a bit positive.

"No." Bakugo sternly says behind them.

Mizuki looks back at the blonde as they walk and Bakugo curls his lips into a smile, "We'll definitely win."

"Hey..." Shoto whispers to the girl next to him who turns around and faces him, "We're sticking together, okay?" He says, voice sounding unsure at the end.

The dark haired girl stops and places both of her hands on the sides of Shoto's face, forcing him to look at her. She gives him a reassuring smile, "It's not like you'd give me a choice to separate from you huh?"

Shoto makes a strangled voice at the back of his throat and looks down, "Shit, I'm sorry, you can go wherever you want... just stay saf-"

Mizuki freaks out, hands waving around in nervousness, "No no no no no! Shoto, no. That's not what I meant!" She sees Kirishima behind Shoto, silently gesturing for them to 'come on' to their specified spot.

Her eyes dart around quickly, realizing it's just her and Shoto, excluding Kirishima, who's about to continue heading over to their assigned area.

She furrows her brows, waving Kirishima off and the red haired boy puts a hand to his heart in disbelief before dramatically turning and walking away.

Shoto furrows his brows as well, turning to look at whatever the girl was looking at, but Mizuki puts her hands on both of his arms to stop him.

"Look Shoto, that's not what I meant. I was just kidding, I'm very glad to have such a caring boyfriend..." She stops, feeling a blush form on her cheeks and Shoto snaps his head to the side, avoiding her gaze with a blush of his own.

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