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The class had been boring all week, due to Midnight taking over Mr. Aizawa's class because he was in a villain accident and Nezu refused to let him teach the class until he was fully healed, Which he hated. She only was talking about how to use make up, how to subtly tell your crush you like them, how to "Pizzazz" your Hero suit, ect. Bakugou had fallen asleep 3 times already and Todoroki was genuinely trying to listen but kept having his eyes fall on Bakugou.

He didn't know why but he almost trusted Bakugou more than his friend group. It was strange whenever ever he caught himself staring at him he would try to go back to listening, but instead having millions of thought going through his head. Why did he stare? Why did he look away? Why was his face burning? What is this feeling? He had been going through this for a week now and still didn't understand why. He thought it was

After class, everyone but Bakugou and Todoroki had left the room afraid of having to listen to more "Fashion Tips" from Midnight. Bakugou was still asleep and Todoroki couldn't help but stare. When he realized he was staring he shook it off and walked over to Bakugou. "Bakugou, class is over. You need to wake up." Todoroki said in an emotionless voice he enjoyed using because it masked what emotion he was feeling.

"Ng, WHAT DO YOU WANT HALF AND HALF!" Todoroki had been used to this kind of behavior from Bakugou. He was always loud, no matter what he did, or how calm he was. "You were sleeping, the and class is over." He said trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach. What is wrong with me? Am I sick? , "Whatever Icy-Hot." He said rolling his eyes before grabbing his stuff, and walking out of the room.

As much as Todoroki hated it; he wanted to follow him. He had such a powerful urge that he about called out to Bakugou. He didn't though, in almost fear he would upset him. He had an idea to go and ask someone about this, most likely the first person he knew. As he grabbed his stuff and walked out of the classroom he was pushed to the ground. He looked up to see a class 1B student, Monoma.

"Aww, did I hurt the poor baby?" He said in a mocking voice. "What are you going to do? Run to your 'Mommy.' Oh, wait! She's in a crazy hospital." As much as he hated it, Monoma had gotten to him, he would never show that though. He ignored Monoma as well as he could as he got off the ground. Monoma started following him as he insulted him. Eventually Todoroki started to pick up the pace to get to lunch.

Monoma was still talking his ear off with insults, until Todoroki ran into someone. "WHAT THE H*LL, ICY-HOT!!" Yelled a fimiliar voice. "I'm sorry!" He got up and ran as Bakugou stared in shock only to realize what he was running from. "What are you looking at, Creep." He snarled angrily. "Whatever, your no fun." Monoma said walking off.

Todoroki decided to eat in the dorms alone so he could think. He felt as if he was going to be swallowed into the ground. That was until there was a knock at the door. When he opened it he didn't really expect to see Bakugou. He seemed kind of embarrassed and kind of on the edge. "Can I come in? You seemed kind of upset." Shoto was shocked, Bakugou was... Caring for him. "I- Yeah! Sure!" He managed to sputter out.

He stepped aside and aloud him into his house. "So, what's up?" He asked Bakugou with curiosity bigger than a kitten's. "Are you ok?" Bakugou asked in a kind tone. "I- yeah, yeah I'm fine, perfect, peachy, good, GREAT! Yeah! I'm great. I mean why wouldn't I be? Great, I'm excellent-" He rambled trying to find words while trying not to anger Bakugou, although he had been cut off by him pressing a finger to his lips.

"I mean it, are you actually ok. I saw you trying to get away from Monoma, which usually you just ignore him. So I want a genuine answer, please." Todoroki saw desperation in his eyes, not only that but he was being... Nice to him, He liked it. He had even payed attention to what Todoroki does. Out of desperation he asked, "Why do you care?!" He wanted the subject dropped, he knew he to tell someone about his trauma, but he was scared.

Bakugou seemed hesitant, but the last thing he expected was the three words that he never realized he needed to hear come out of Bakugou's mouth, "B-because I- Love you." He had sorrow in his eyes, before saying, "Sorry, I'll go know. Please don't tell anyone. I'd never hear the end of it if it got to my mother." He started walking towards the door, but something inside Shoto made him grab the back of his shirt stopping him.

"What-" Before he could finish his sentence Todoroki turned him to face him, cupped his face in his hands, and connected their lips. They both melted into the kiss, only breaking apart for air. "I love you, too. Katsuki Bakugou."

~The End

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