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AU-No quirks

Kaminari Pov

Just great, new town, new house, new people, new life. I hate moving. I would have to leave my childhood home, family, and friends, but being a writer called for it. As I finally reached the town I realized how small it was. It seemed to be more of a big village than a town. It was about five more minutes until I made it to a large house on a very busy street. It was a big white house white a black roof. It had a very nice tree in the back yard with a tire swing hanging from a large tree limb, a chain linked fence, and white rose bushes along the fence and house.

The garage was like a smaller separate house connected to the house with a door leading into the kitchen, the kitchen lead into a room with a piano that lead into a bathroom, a spare room, and the living room. The living room lead into the laundry room and a carpeted stairway. At the top of the stairs was another bathroom to the right and another hallway to the left. That hall way leading into two bedrooms across from each other one of them bigger than the other this a whole through the door.

Next to those rooms was the master bedroom. In the upstairs hall there was a window that led onto the garage roof with an amazing view. The bedrooms, spare room, and living room each had a closet. My room was the master bedroom. It had peach walls, a beige rug, and four small windows. The second biggest room had a green carpet, teal walls, a desk, and four small windows. The last and smallest one had "sea foam green walls" as the add called it, the same green carpet as mine, and two small windows. The smallest and second smallest rooms were connected by a door.

I brought everything in and started unpacking. I didn't have much to unpack. Just my clothes, necklaces, pillows, stuffed animals, and karaoke machine. If my sister would have come she would have brought way to many things. Her toys, clothes, pillows, stuffed animals, make up, accessories, perfume, and skin care supplies. She's only thirteen. I thought solemnly remembering she wasn't here before I went out to grab the boxes with my disassembled bed in them. I assembled it with the help of the manual.

If I'm going to live here I might as well know where everything is. I thought as I grabbed the keys to my car and I headed out. I drove for only about two and a half minutes till I reached the four way. I parked in a stores parking lot and decided to walk around. I untied my black, white, and yellow flannel from my waist and slipped it over my plain white T-shirt. I walked around the town for awhile finding the gas station, library, drug store, furniture store, coffee shop, park, playground, and the high school. It was a cloudy, luke warm day so I decided to go into the Coffee shop.

It was like a bar, but with with different coffees instead of alcohol. There were also tables that you could sit at. I sat down at a table and grabbed my phone and earbuds out of my pocket and started listening to music. After awhile, a waiter came and asked for my order. For a moment I forget how to speak. He was hard not to stare at. He had angry yet calming red eyes, soft blonde hair falling into his slightly tanned face, and a glare that looked terrifying yet pulled me into daze.

"Are you ready to order?" He asked in a deep husky voice that made my heart beat like a cartoon character's. It took me a moment to realize I had to answer, "I-I um, yeah. O-of course. Sorry. I would like to try the..." I thought for a few seconds before selecting the House Special. "White chocolate caramel cappuccino." I said quickly as to not take to much longer. He wrote that down before smirking at me and walking away.

Left in a flustered mess, I pulled my laptop out of my bag and started to finish my most recent book. Writing always distracted me, so doing this was helpful. I only have one chapter left to finish, so I'll go the park and finish it. I thought as I put my laptop back in my bag. "Here you are, enjoy your day." The waiter said before winking and walking of again. Sh!t, sh!t, sh!t, sh!t! Don't fall for it he's a flirt, don't fall for it. I thought as I smiled back at him causing him look away quickly, but looked back and smiled back.

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