Shinsou x kaminari Part2

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Waking up in a random room with bright lights flashing in your eyes isn't the best way to wake up, but that's how Kaminari had to wake up. "He's waking up!" Shouted a familiar voice. "Sir, do you know where you are, do you remember your name?!" Came a loud voice that annoyed Kaminari, but before he could answer he started coughing, feeling an all to familiar tickle in the back of his throat. He tasted blood but swallowed the liquid to keep it hidden.

His throat was dry and he could barely speak. It was also hard to open his eyes with the brightness of a light right above him. "To *cough* bright." He choked out before having another coughing fit. "Turn off light AB." He heard annoying voice whisper before the light above him shut off allowing him to open his eyes enough to see. He look around seeing Recovery Girl, Her assistant, Mr. Aizawa, and Kirishima.

He slowly sat up. "What happened?" He said with a raspy voice. "I found you in the bathroom after you had ran out of the room out of nowhere. You were coughing blood." Kiri said nervously as he handed him a glass of water. "O-oh, that..." Kaminari said taking a sip of the water. "Denki Kaminari, what do you mean by 'that'." Mr. Aizawa said in a stern voice. "I-it's nothing, just... Don't worry about it..." Kaminari said trailing of as he attempted standing up.

He became very light headed and fell back down onto the bed as he grabbed his head. Suddenly the door swing open, "I came as soon as I could! Denki are you ok!" Shinsou said running over to Denki. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just passed out." He said glaring at Kirishima, almost telling him not to say a word. Kaminari stood back up getting less light headed this time, but realizing the huge headache he had.

Checking the clock he realized he had been past out for about half an hour. He let out a sigh of relief. "We should probably go to class." He smiled at Shinsou. Shinsou turned his head away hiding a light blush dusted across his cheeks. "Yeah, probably. D-Mr. Aizawa, aren't you coming." Shinsou said remembering Kirishima was in the room. "I will be there in a few minutes, I have to talk to the nurse." Aizawa said in his normal monotone voice.

The second everyone left the room recovery girl chuckled and said, "I told you he would be fine, he just needed to rest." "But what if he wasn't?! I can't let any of my kids get hurt?!" Aizawa said like and over protective father causing recovery girl to hit him over the head and yell at him for doubting her. "What happened?" Shinsou asked looking at Kaminari with concerned eyes. "I just passed out. It's fine, really." Kaminari said forcing a smile to make Shinsou drop it.

" *Sigh* Well if you say so, I trust you." Shinsou said giving a small smile knowing full well he was lying. "You guys must be really close to have such a high level of trust." Kirishima said to Shinsou while heading into the classroom. "Yeah, so close in fact I know he's lying, but I can't push him because I don't want to hurt him." Shinsou said in a very sorrowful voice.

"You're so close it's probably for a good reason right?" Kirishima said smiling. "I guess your probably right." Shinsou said walking over to join the conversation with the rest of the Bakusquad as did Kirishima. They were talking about how amazing tide pods were. "Alright class get to your seats." Mr. Aizawa said in his normal voice. "Can we praise the tide pods!" Kaminari shouted excitedly causing the Bakusquad to let out stiffed giggles and Shinsou to smile and shake his head.

I saw a tic tok, and it reminded me so much of class 1A so I figured I would add some parts into this.

"When we are done with this assigned." Then Aizawa said seriously before continuing on with his lesson. Half way through the lesson Mina proposed to her stuffed animal, Mr. Fluffbuns. "You can get married after this lesson, Mina." Aizawa said not turning away from the board. Sero then raised his hand. Without looking Aizawa said, "Yes Sero, you can be the flower girl." Causing Sero to get excided. Five minutes later everyone got board and started singing happy birthday to Mr. Fluffbuns.

"Are-" Shinsou said after going over and watching them with Me. Aizawa. "Yes we are singing Happy birthday to a stuffed animal." He said slightly nodding his head. "It's only been like one day..." Shinsou said with a look of wtf. "Look, I had to deal with you for sixteen years, and only 3 of those were pleasant. These idiots act like the age you were within those three years." Aizawa said quiet enough so that no one would hear, but Shinsou.

"And which three would those be?" Shinsou asked raising an eyebrow. "The first ones, when you were new." Aizawa said looking out on his class of idiots. "Rude." Shinsou mumbled. "Thank you, alright everyone get back in your seats. Sero give me the tide pod." Aizawa said quietly, but raising his voice so everyone could hear him at the last part. Aizawa held up the tide pod, "All hail the tide pods!" He shouted and most of the class bowed. "Denki, get the tide pod out of your mouth!" Aizawa yelled causing Shinsou to run over to him and take the tide pod from him. He then explained not to do it again. Denki didn't understand anything he said, but agreed anyway. Then the bell rang causing Mina to get sad because she didn't get to marry Mr. Fluffbuns.

She got married in the next class though. It was beautiful, Sero made an amazing flower girl, Mina somehow got a suit and wedding dress, Bakugou walked Mina down the isle, Jirou played the music, Momo made a bouquet, Uraraka and Tokoyami fought over the bouquet, Izuku, Denki, and Kirishima cried, Tsu and Shinsou sat in corner wondering how they got there, Aizawa was the priest, Todoroki called Mina a love child of Bakugou, Bakugou punched him, it was a wonderful wedding. After the wedding Bakugou gave Mr. Fluffbuns a talk saying he needs to treat Mina like a queen or he wouldn't live past tomorrow.

Sorry I got off track.

Soon enough the school day was over. Kaminari was extremely relieved because he hadn't had another coughing fit. Although, that was short lived. When he finally fell asleep he almost choked on flower petals that he had coughed up in his sleep. He shot up not able to breathe. Still drowsy, he tried to get to the bathroom, but tripped over his blanket and fell to the floor. All he could do is lay there in pain, coughing up flower petals and blood, gasping for air.

When he could finally breath again he immediately passed out because of how tired he was. He woke up early to a loud clank on the ground, he shot up again and looked around. Thankfully it was only a tin box that had fallen from his shelf. It was still dark, so he checked his phone for the time, 5:32. He sighed to himself, he had time. He cleaned up the mess put his blood stained t-shirt in his sink and poorest hydrogen peroxide over it, watching as the stains disappeared.

He smiled, happy that his shirt would be stain free. He then took a shower and put on his uniform. By then it was only 6:27 so he played on his phone for a while. When he looked at the time it was 7:18 so he decided to go pester Shinsou, but soon he started just think of him, he just sat there thinking of him. When he finally caught himself he immediately stopped, but then he felt the fimiliar feeling in the back of his throat. He bolted to the bathroom, and started coughing the blood and flowers into the sink.

I thought it said it would slowly get worse?! Kaminari thought as tears rolled down his cheeks from the excruciating pain. When done it was over he felt like his throat was on fire. He sat on the floor clutching his throat. He couldn't talk he couldn't scream, it was so painful. He kept trying and trying and trying, but to no avail he couldn't talk. Finally he just screamed, he was clutching his head because of the pain. It was a loud and painful scream, but at the same time felt so relieving. Then it started to go black, but before he did, he heard a few pairs of footsteps going towards him at a quick pace.

The last thing he said before blacking out was a raspy plead. "Help..." He said as he fell backwards from his sitting position.

~To be continued~
Sorry for taking so long with this part, I've been busy with chores, homework, and other books. I think this is probably the longest part I've made on this Account, so I hope you enjoy.

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