ShinBakuKami Part1 of

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AU-Soulmates, No quirks, All year Boarding school

Kaminari Pov

Finally! I thought as I stood up. Boarding school would be so much better than staying here. The only thing I hate about leaving is that I won't be able to see my sister and little brother, but I will be able to babysit my little bro over breaks and weekends so it won't matter. At least my parents actually like them because they aren't 'Stupid and Gay' like me. They were glad to send me away because it would mean that they 'wouldnt have to see my hideous face.'

I didn't have much to pack. Just my guitar, sheet paper, sketch paper, drawing supplies, clothes, and headphones I bought with my own money. Tasukete, my older sister, came over and helped him pack. Sukoshi, my little brother, begged me to stay, but to no avail, I still had to leave. I gave him my pikachu hat that was the only thing I had from our grandparents. Sukoshi promised to cherish and protect it. Tasukete drove me to my new boarding school because I can't legally drive.

I was excited for tomorrow because then I would turn fifteen and that's when we get something that links us with our soulmate both soulmates have to be fifteen though. My sister was lucky and got the common 'whatever you right on your skin appears on your soulmates' so she was happy and is living with her boyfriend, while mom and dad were unlucky, and got 'your heart has to break in order to find your soulmate.' I'm hoping mine is easy, though.

When I got to the boys dorm room I was kind of surprised. There were so many people sharing one dorm. There was a spikey blonde haired boy with red eyes, a spikey red head with red eyes, a blue haired boy with blue eyes, another blond with black eyes, a white haired boy with black eyes, another blond with boy with purple eyes, a black haired boy with black eyes, a brown haired boy with black eyes, a black haired boy with red eyes, a tan haired boy with black eyes, a half red half white haired boy with a grey and blue eye, a green haired boy with green eyes, and a purple haired boy with purple hair.

"Hey! Your Kaminari, right!" The red haired boy asked when he noticed me. "I- yeah, yeah. That's me." I said shaking off the shock. "Well how about I introduce you to everyone, Kamibro?" The red head said smiling. "Yeah, sure!" I said enthusiastically. "Ok then, There's Bakugou, I'm Kirishima, Iida, Ojiro, Shoji, Aoyama, Sero, Sato, Tokoyami, Koda, Todoroki, Midoriya, and Shinsou." Kirishima listed off in order as if he had practiced.

"Shut up, Deku!" Bakugou shouted at Midoriya. "Is that normal?" I asked Kirishima. "Well, yeah I guess you could say that. Bakubro is like that to everyone though, but he has known Deku since they were kids." Kirishima finished off smiling. "So are they like best friends?" I asked confused. " Well, no. He and Bakubro were friends, but that soon changed. He won't tell anyone why though." Kirishima said shrugging. "Oooook." I said having my non existent brain melt.

"Bakugou! That is no why to treat your dorm mate!" Iida shouted. "Oh yeah, four eyes, and what are you going to do about it?!" Bakugou yelled back. The two then fought back and fourth. I quickly got distracted though. I honestly don't know what I was distracted by, but it must have been entertaining... Or a wall, because Kirishima nudged me with his elbow. "You good bro?" He asked me. "Hm, what?" I answer no clue what was going on.

"You kinda dazed out, you good?" He asked oh yeah, got distracted." I rubbed the back of my head. "I think I'm gonna head to my dorm, I'll talk to you tomorrow." I smiled as I grabbed my things and headed to my room. That was strange... I'm glad I'm here. I smiled to myself. I put all my stuff away and went to bed, but I could help but dream of Bakugou and Shinsou. They seemed so... Fascinating.


I'm sorry I have been making my stories in parts, I'm trying to get things out so that no one is disappointed. You guys are all so awesome and patient, so I thank you for that. I'm also sorry if I make any mistakes.

This was a request from meowz_XD_

BNHA Fluff only one shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon