A Broken Family, But Can It Be Fixed? (Part 2)

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Recap: (Y/N) ran into the hospital, down hallways, dodging people as she ran until she made it to her mom's room. She knocked twice and heard a quiet "Come In" and she walked in a saw...


(Y/N) stood in the doorway and sees her mother with the black haired male and her mother said, "Hello honey, How are you?". (Y/N) says, "Hello Okaa~San, I'm... Um... Fine". Her mother then saw the red puffy eyes and tear stained face and said, "(Y/N) have you been crying?". (Y/N) rubbed her eyes and said, "No". Her mother opened her arms and said, "Come Here my baby!". Tears fall from the girls eyes and she ran into her mums arms and she asked, "I have a question?". her mom nods letting her now to continue, She asks, "If A Family Is Broken, Can it be fixed?". Her mom had sympathetic look and said, "It depends on how bad the Family is broken, If the family is broken to the point that some family members live then no, But if their all still under the same roof an maybe! But why do you ask?". The girl then said, "A broken family, But Can it be fixed, Or Will it be broken for the rest of the children's life.". after that statement Dabi then said, "Imouto~San why are you-" Then he realized and said, "(Y/N) Are you asking because the family is breaking?". The girl nods, letting go of her mom and says, "I have to go before shouto comes looking for me sorry, Okaa~San". Dabi then said, "How about I walk you home? How about that Imouto~San?". (Y/N) nods and smiles, but her eyes lose the brightness and become a Duller/Darker (E/C) and her smile looks like it was faked and forced. 

*Outside of the Hospital*

Shouto Stood in front of the hospital think  about both his mother and his baby sister. That's when he walked into the hospital and to his mother's hospital room and he walked through the door and seen His mother, His Sister, and Dabi.


(Y/N) stood next to her brother as the family was opening boxes from under the christmas tree, Shouto handed the girl a small box wrapped in a (Your Favourite Color) Wrapping paper. The girl opened the wrapping paper and found a black box with a small Necklace with a locket on it the locket had a picture of her family. *(Picture at the top but with her Mom and dad Behind the other kids)*

*End Of Flashback*

Shouto the said, "WHAT THE HELL?". Making (Y/N) and Her mother Rei look at Him and Dabi slowly turning to see him and then said," I think that's it time for me to leave see you Later, (Y/N), Mom" as Dabi pasted Shouto he whispered, "Whatever you did to make her cry I swear if you do it again, I'll Hunt you done myself, You hear me?". Shouto gave a small nod a look at his sisters dull/Dark (E/C) eyes and said/Or Like Commanded, "Home Now (Y/N)!". The girl glared and said, "NO!". After that she took off run away from her brother and Ended up at some park. 

*The Baku Squad Is Their*

(Y/N) slowed to a stop falling to knees and then screamed a high pitch scream that got the attention of Some students. (Bakugou, Kirishima, Mina, Denki). A blonde haired student that wore the same uniform as shouto walked over and said, "Oi kid what's WTF are you screaming about?!". Tears fell out of her eyes and she said, "A Broken Family, That can't be fixed! But can it be fixed?". He blonde held a hand out for the girl, She took his hand and said, "I'm sorry I had not realized there was other people, please forgive my rudeness?". Another blonde haired boy came over but he had a black lightning bolt in his hair, and he said,"Whoa their little lady, what's gotten you so up set?". (Y/N) Glareds at the ground and said, "Onii~Chan, Doesn't believe that's Touya~San will come home". Then the Blonde with red eyes said, "Who's your brother?". You look at him and say, "Shouto todoroki, he's my older brother by two years, then there Natsuo, third youngest, my older sister Fuyumi she's the second born then there's Touya the oldest". 

*After A Little While of talking*

"I should head home before my dad scream at me for being later and once Shouto tells him about today i'm gonna get I trouble" You wave goodbye and leave and head home when you got home you see, Shouto, Fuyumi, Natsuo, And your father Enji.Your Siblings looked Afraid, You then say, "WHAT?". You father grabs your arm and said, "How dare you tell your brother no and then run from him?" You look down and said, "Because i'm not a Baby!". That's when Enji said, "You were a mistake from birth, You weren't even planned, I would have rathered Touya being here then you ungrateful little brat I was suppose to call my daughter" After that statement your three siblings looked between you and Enji then you screamed, "I'd rather of died than be in this house with people who treat me like a fucking baby when I'm a fucking 14 year old girl,You have never believed me when I said Touya~San's still alive and walking, fuck you I'm leaving". After that Enji Used his Quirk, The fire flew towards you and hit your shoulder and you fell screaming onto the ground. Shouto and Fuyumi ran to your side and Natsuo stood in front of you. 

*Minutes after the fight*

You sat on your bed with your sister putting cream on the burn, That now left a large red mark on you shoulder, After she finished She put gaze overtop and your brother came into the room. You stood from you bed and walked to your dresser grabbing a picture off the top and holding it in your hand. The Photo had been burned in the fire years ago.

*Photo, Top was original bottom is the one you're holding (Pretend Your In the middle of Fuyumi and Shouto*

You held the photo and then thrown the picture a crossed the room and yelled, "FUCK" at this point you had broken down into tears

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You held the photo and then thrown the picture a crossed the room and yelled, "FUCK" at this point you had broken down into tears. Balling your eyes out Fuyumi walks over wrapping her arms around you small body and said, "If A Family Is Broken, Can It be Fixed?".

"The answer is It can't be fixed"


Hope You Enjoyed, Thanks for reading bye~

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