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Mount Justice
September 14, 17:53

You are at Mount Justice in the weight room and trying to keep your strength up. While you were working out, and you called Artemis.

(Y/N): Hey Artemis.

Artemis: Hey, (Y/N). What's going on?

(Y/N): There's this movie that I wanna see with you.

Artemis: Is it romantic?

(Y/N): No.

Artemis: I'm in.

(Y/N): Great! Movie here in Happy Harbor or Gotham?

Artemis: Happy Harbor.

(Y/N): Alright. I'll get ready.

You leave the weight room and you head for your room to get dressed for the movie date with Artemis. You put on casual clothes and your wrist watch. Since it wasn't anything major going on. You wait in the mission room waiting for Artemis. Then, the zeta tube was activating.

Computer: Recognized: Artemis-B-08

Artemis: You ready?

You look at Artemis who also has casual clothes and ready for the movie.

(Y/N): Yes. Bike or super speed?

Artemis: Bike.

(Y/N): Okay. Let's go!

You and Artemis got your motorcycles and headed out the front entrance and headed for the movie theater. Then, you started making conversation.

Artemis: So how's school?

(Y/N): It's good, actually.

Artemis: Where are M'gann, Aqualad, and Superboy?

(Y/N): M'gann and Conner are disguised as the terror twins in Belle Reve prison and Aqualad is near the location in the Bio-ship waiting for their signal to help.

Artemis: "Conner"?

(Y/N): Superboy's secret identity is Conner Kent.

Artemis: Nice name.

(Y/N): M'gann picked the first name. J'onn chose the last name.

Artemis: Hey! I see the movie theater.

(Y/N): Cool!

You and Artemis find a spot to park your motorcycles and inside for the theater. You guys get in the theater and got your tickets. You went to the concession stand and got the food you wanted for the movie. You and Artemis went to see the movie. You laughed, hugged and enjoy the movie. Then, as soon as the movie was over you both left.

Artemis: That was hilarious!

(Y/N): I know, right. I never laughed so hard in your life.

Artemis: Anything else you want to do?

(Y/N): I'm hungry. You?

Artemis: Same here.

(Y/N): There's a restaurant around the corner.

Artemis: Lead the way.

You and Artemis get out of the movie theaters. Then, you both put on your helmets while getting on your motorcycles. Then, you rode on your motorcycle and went to a good restaurant. You sat down across the

Artemis: This place has good fries.

(Y/N): I always like the pizza.

Artemis: How do you pay for food and clothes?

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