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No one's PoV 

A short girl approached the man in the red suit with an approachable but intimidating aura. 

"Oh my dear, why are you here?" the man asked the black-haired girl 

"Uncle, I must tell you something" the girl responded 


The darkness envelope the night, where the moon is nowhere to found in the cloudy sky above 

"Hey babe, are you ready? I'm coming to get you," the girl who is on her phone asked the other line 

"Yes, you must hurry my dad is not home yet. Let's met at our favorite garden, I love you." the other line responded and the girl agreed 

"I love you too," she ended the call and put all her things in the trunk of her car. After settling all the necessary a loud bang in the sky indicating a rain might come.

After minutes of driving in the night with the sky pouring heavily, she finally arrived at the location of their meeting. Walking out of the car expecting that someone might be there waiting for her, her feet is soaked, confused as she why there is no one. after half an hour, She went back inside her car, wet from the rain, and heard her phone ring. 

"Is this Yoo Jeongyeon?" the other line asked her 

"Yes, who is this?" - Jeongyeon

"This is Doctor Kim, from xxx Hospital, you're the last person ms. Im called and she got into an accident where..." Jeongyeon did not let the doctor finished 

"I'm coming, please text me her room number, don't call anyone," she ended the call and immediately step on the accelerator, driving fast while the sky is pouring heavily. She's in a hurry that she did not notice a black van with two other black cars tailing from her side with a fast speed that made the two cars hit each other. 

A loud bang can be heard from the collision, only the white car got the most damage from the collision, and three black cars stopped. They are far away from the main road and the lights are from the two cars. Still, the sky did not stop pouring its tears. 

A man in black came out from the other car, two men walking by his side one holding the umbrella, and walked straight to the damaged car. 

"Get this thing fixed," he said to his phone 

"Okay, we're on our way," and he ended the call 

"Leave us, I must talk with her," The man in black commanded, and the two men walked away leaving the man in a suit with him holding the umbrella. 

"You think, you can run away with my daughter, don't you?" the guy squat to talk to the girl struggling with her life. 

"yo..u" Jeongyeon hardly responded to the man.

"HAHAHAHAH, I am for my daughter to not be taken away by you, IDIOT," he throws away the umbrella indicating he's having fun "AHAHAHHA BAKAAAAAAA, you will never gonna see my daughter, not on my watch, YOO JEONGYEON, HAHAHHAHAHAHA" he laughs psychotic way 

"," the last word of Jeongyeon before passing out. 

"Sir," a group of men arrived at the scene 

"Take her to japan..." 

5 years later 

"Hey, Sharon! let's go " Jeongyeon called the blonde-haired girl who just arrived in Korea.

That's it, that's the prologue, hope you guys like it :)

I just edit things because I forgot all the things about this story and now 

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