Chapter 4

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No one's PoV 

The young fine woman staring below, mesmerizing the beauty of the night lights of her beloved city, Seoul. 

"Uhmm, hi," A lady in her pajamas approached Nayeon that shocked her because this part of the secret garden is much more secret and she did not expect anyone to be here. "oh sorry if I startled you," the girl added. 

"Oh, Hello, it's okay, I just didn't expect anyone would be here," Nayeon responded, and the girl smiled

The other girl then looked away from Nayeon's Direction to the city light. 

"The night light at the city is kinda refreshing to watch, right?" The stranger lady stated the conversation. 

"Yes, I really loved this place it holds my memories," Nayeon replied, "Do you often go here?" Nayeon asked out of curiosity because this pace is really a secret for her. 

"Yeah, you too? " The girl replied looking at the city light below. Nayeon in the side listening to what the girl said. 'Oh, I've been away that long hu,' Nayeon thought

"Yeah, but I've been away for five years. I haven't gone back here for a long time," Nayeon said and smiled looking at the night sky. it's the girl's turn to look stare at Nayeon.

"Oh, that explains why," The stranger said staring at the girl said 

"When did you started going here," Nayeon asked 

"It was five years ago, after my accident that causes my memory loss, and I went to Japan. Every time I go on vacation here in Korea or for business things I always go here. It's my safe place," she said. Nayeon felt sorry for the girl's accident but she did not interrupt the girl and let her finished 'Oh five years ago, I also lose my memory, What a coincidence,' NAyeon thought. "How about you?" The girl asked Nayeon.

"This place becomes my favorite place since I was a kid," Nayeon replied. "You've been in an accident? sorry to hear that,"

"Wait, have we meet already, You're kinda familiar to me," - Nayeon

"is this kinda coincidence that you too are kinda familiar to me," the girl responded. "By the way, what's your name?" Nayeon asked.

"It's Yoo Jeongyeon but I am known as Minatozaki Hina, yours?" the girl replied

Nayeon then felt pain in her head because of the stranger's name. Jeongyeon then noticed Nayeon holding her head in pain.

"oi oi oi, are you okay?" -Jeongyeon got shocked 

"yo...? ackkk it hurts," Nayeon said holding her head

"Hey hey, miss?" -Jeongyeon in panicked 

" me to my... car," Nayeon struggled and fainted that made Jeongyeon more panicked 

Jeongyeon then went to her car for her to take the stranger lady to the Hospital. Immediately  Jeongyeon accelerating the car driving to the nearest hospital, nurses then approached them and bought Nayeon to the ER. 

"What happened to her ma'am," the nurse asked Jeongyeon

"I don't really know miss, I also don't know her she just fainted and this the only thing I have from her," JEongyeon handed the wallet of Nayeon to the nurse and nodded telling Jeongyeon to wait. 

After minutes of waiting a nurse went to her 

"How is she miss,?" Jeongyeon asked

"She's doing fine, you can go home now ma'am I called one of her contacts and you said you don't know her," -Attendant 

"It's okay, I'll wait," the nurse nodded giving Jeongyeon the room number, and left. "It's past midnight, It's pretty late," Jeongyeon said to herself, after a minute of waiting for the patient colleague, she drifts to her dreamland.


"Excuse me, ma'am. What's the room number of Im Nayeon," A girl asked the desk attendant. 

"It's in 342 room, Ma'am," the girl then immediately went to the said room and to her surprise a familiar face sleeping on the couch inside the room. 'Jeonyeon unnie,' she thought

"Excuse me," Jihyo patting the shoulder of the girl on the couch waking her up.

"Oh thank you for bringing Nayeon unnie," Jihyo said to the girl

"Oh, no worries," the girl replied,

"btw, I want to really thank you for bringing her, so what's your name? -Jihyo asked 

"Oh, it's Minatozaki Hina is my Japanese name, Yoo Jeongyeon is my Korean name and birth name, but I don't really use that name," Jihyo did not expect the girl's response, but because of her excitement she hugged the girl that startled the stranger.

"Oh sorry about that, It's Park Jihyo, btw," Jihyo said 'it's really is you unnie, I finally found her,' Jihyo thought 

"oh, okay nice meeting you, I'll go now," said the girl, and Jihyo just nodded and smile. 'That's weird' Jeongyeon thought about but, shrugs it off and started driving to go home.

Chapter 4 is done

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