Chapter 18: Virus Detection and Removal

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Felicity flies through the halls of the hospital, just below a run to avoid unnecessary attention.  It's the first time Oliver has ever called her and sounded distraught, so she knows that, despite his insistence that he's okay, he's probably freaking out a little.  And no one should have to freak out alone.  Sure, his mother will be there, too, but Oliver will feel the need to be strong for her.  He's been in her life for so little time, but yet Felicity knows him so well already.

She knows she has the right hallway because he's standing outside the room, leaning against the wall.  He drags a hand over his face and sighs deeply, staring at the ceiling.  He may be stoic, but Felicity knows this is his version of hysterics.  He hears her heels click against the desolate hallway, and he looks up.  "Felicity?" he asked, and she's almost insulted by how surprised he seems.  Did he seriously think she'd let him sit here and worry alone?

She hugs him without any preamble whatsoever, and she can feel, more than hear, his deep sigh.  It sounds almost as if she's removed the weight of the world from his shoulders.  The hug lingers a little, but she pulls back and asks, "How is Thea?"

He shakes his head, frowning a little as he releases her.  "Fine, considering," he says quietly.  "There are some bruises and cuts, and her elbow dislocated when she hit the tree.  The doctors think she had it tight against the steering wheel, and the impact forced it back."  He frowns more deeply.  "And it doesn't help things that she's not speaking to our mother.  She basically kicked her out of the hospital room."  He shakes his head.  "It's just the typical Queen family drama.  I liked it better when I was the reckless one."

She reaches over and squeezes his hand before releasing it.  "Hey, she's okay," she reminds him gently.  "Yeah, it could have been worse, but it wasn't.  She'll be discharged in a few hours, and it'll all be fine."

He doesn't say anything, just lets a touch linger at her elbow for a moment.  There's a very long moment where the two stare at each other. She isn't used to sharing pointed looks like that, so she just stands there until Oliver finally says, "I think she'll probably want to see you."

Felicity nods, and he holds the door open for her as she walks in.  "Hey, Felicity," Thea says, sounding a little groggy.  She's sitting upright on one end of the hospital bed, still wearing the dress that Felicity presumes is from her birthday party, and one arm is in a black sling.  "Guess I really know how to party, huh?"  She points to Felicity's hair, still hanging at her shoulders from where the Arrow convinced her to wear it long.  "You should wear your hair down more often."

Felicity chuckles, trying to ignore the heat on her face at the thought of the Arrow.  "So I've been told.  And nice try—your brother already told me you wrecked your car."  She's gentle around the probably very sore arm, but she hugs her.  "It sucks that your car was totaled, but I'm glad it wasn't you."

Thea shrugs.  "It doesn't hurt too bad now that I have all of those pills in me," she says easily, acting very un-Thea-like, and Felicity notices for the first time that her pupils are the size of saucers.  No wonder she's acting weird; the girl is high as a kite on something, but Felicity doesn't want to know the details.  She knows enough about drugs as her time as an observer in high school and college to learn that much.

Felicity turns on her heel instantly, facing Oliver.  "Can I talk to you for a second?" she asks him.  She knows what's going to happen next; an education from life in the Glades has taught her that much.  She's watched it happen to too many people in her lifetime, and now she thinks it's time to warn Oliver.

He gives her a confused look, his eyebrows falling over his eyes to give him a squinty-eyed appearance.  "Sure," he says finally, with an ease that's probably fake.  Felicity knows her own expression isn't so collected, so he probably recognizes the panic.

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