Side Story #10: Compromised Data Integrity

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After throwing her keys on the table beside her door, Felicity sighs, shrugging off her coat and hanging it on the rack by the door. It’s been a long night, and she wants nothing more than to change into some pajamas and dive into that pint of mint chocolate chip she’s been promising herself all night. On second thought, she decides that the pajama thing isn’t necessary, but the ice cream needs to happen now. Along with that Disney movie.

Barry is sitting on the couch when she walks in, still in his trousers and white dress shirt, tie and suit coat removed, along with his shoes, apparently. “Hey, Sherly,” he greets, “how did it go at the hospital?”

She’s not sure how to answer that, honestly. Tommy and Oliver have obviously gotten through their issues, Malcolm is fine, and she’s dealing with her own issues—namely, the fact that she held pressure to a dying man’s wounds. It’s caught up to her since the actual event, and now she sighs as she walks into the kitchen, Barry’s eyes on her the entire time. They widen when he sees her return with the quart of mint chocolate chip ice cream and two spoons. He hesitates before saying, “That’s a lot of ice cream. Bad night?”

“You’re going to help me eat it,” she assures him, eliciting a smile. “And it was just… a lot to deal with.” She lets her hand drop on top of his as she drops onto the couch next to him, and she offers him a sympathetic smile. “For both of us, Barry.” She offers him a spoon, and he takes it with a smile. “So, we haven’t really had a chance to talk since you found out about the newest Arrow development.” She dives into the ice cream with her spoon before saying, “What do you want to know?”

He hesitates, trying to discern if it’s an opportunity to ask anything and everything he can think of. She assures him it is with a slight nod, and he immediately responds with, “Do you… do you know his name?” Felicity immediately frowns, and Barry takes a moment to wave his hands wildly, eyes wide. “I don’t want to know, and I’m not asking you because I do.” He hesitates. “I just want to make sure that you know exactly who you’re getting into bed with—and take that as it applies, literally or figuratively.” She turns scarlet as he continues, “It’s a risk that you’re doing this to begin with, and adding a relationship with the Arrow—while I think he’s doing an awesome job cleaning up Starling City—isn’t the best idea you’ve ever had.”

“I know who he is,” she assures him. She doesn’t feel bad about the lie now since she knows him so well, and she takes another bite of ice cream, talking around it in her mouth. “I know that I can trust him. I know that he’s not the monster that everyone seems to think he is.” She bites her lip. “I know that he saved my life, that he saved Malcolm Merlyn’s.”

Barry frowns, and Felicity touches his arm as she laughs her next round of thoughts. “Did you know,” she starts casually, “that it took him at least three tries before he managed to kiss me the first time?” Barry’s eyes widen at that, and she can’t help but laugh at his expression. He either thinks she’s being too forthcoming with details or the subject change surprises him, but Felicity can’t decide which one it is. “He’s not a charge-in-guns-blazing-and-do-whatever-it-takes kind of guy, Watson. They think he is, but they’re wrong about him because they don’t understand him. He’s a think-everything-through-fifty-times-just-to-be-sure kind of guy and he’s careful about everything—especially me.”

Barry seems to think about that for a very long moment, both of them taking several bites of ice cream. “I just want to make sure you’re safe, Felicity,” he says finally, and she knows he’s serious because he actually calls her by name for a change. “Just doing my brotherly duty.” He pats her hand once before rising from the sofa. “But, if he’s good to you—and he’s good for you—I’m thrilled you’re with him.” He motions over his shoulder. “I think I’m going to call it a night.” He laughs. “You’re too exciting for me these days. Goodnight, Sherly.”

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