Part 7, by Cressida Cowell

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This 'poem' can be found in one of her many amazing books. And I'm gonna go on a little rant right now. Okay, I love her writing, I own every HTTYD book and all the Wizards of Once books. Her books are well written (for me at least) and I get this super nostalgic feeling when I read them, which makes sense since I read them when I was little(r) and loved them, plus the HTTYD movies were a big part of my childhood. Anyway her books sometimes make me cry, and this poem has made me cry, but I really recommend you read them.

Once there was magic...

Once there was magic
Wandering free
In roads of sky and paths of sea
And in that timeless long-gone hour
Words of nonsense still had power
Doors still flew and birds still talked
Witches grinned and giants walked
We had magic wands and magic wings
And we lost our hearts to impossible things
Unbelievable thoughts! Unsensible ends!
For Wizards and Warriors might be friends.

In a world where impossible things are true
I don't know why we forgot the spell
When we lost the way, how the forest fell.
But now we are old, we can vanish too.

And I once more see the invisible track
That will lead us home and take us back...
So find your wands and spread your wings
I'll sing of our love of impossible things
And when you take my vanished hand
We'll both go back to that Magic land
Where we lost our hearts...
Several lifetimes ago...
When we were Wizards

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