Poem 29, by me

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"You must forge your own path for it to mean anything." ~The Lost Hero

"The past is another land, and we cannot go to visit. So, if I say there were dragons, and men who rode upon their backs, who alive has been there and can tell me that I'm wrong?" ~ Cressida Cowell

(Just gonna do a rant, please skip it and read the poem, also this rant (if for some reason you read it) is not meant at you I just needed to blow some steam)
THAT LAST QUOTE I AGREEE SO HARD, I mean I don't really believe that dragons fly around modern day cities invisible or something but you cannot take this away from me, okay? I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR "dragons don't exist" OR "dragons never existed" BECAUSE GODSDAMMIT I KNOW THAT BUT THERE IS NO WAY YOU'RE GONNA GET ME TO STOP. I LOVE DRAGONS OKAY (even if I don't always show it), THEY WERE A HUUUUGE PART OF MY CHILDHOOD AND I'LL BE DAMMED IF YOU THINK YOU CAN TAKE THAT AWAY. KEEP YOUR OPINIONS TO YOURSELF AND LET ME CRY WITH NOSTALGIA AND HAPPINESS AS I REREAD CRESSIDA'S BOOKS, LET ME IMMERSE MYSELF IN A LAND OF DRAGONS AND MAGIC WITHOUT ANYONE JUDGING ME. -me, to (most) of the annoying and stupid people at school that I can never say because if my social anxiety and the coronavirus


I'm not too great I guess,
I can carry a tune
I'm not too great I guess,
I can play ball in June

I ain't too special,
I can draw bit
I ain't too special,
I don't act like a git

I'm not extraordinary
I get A's and B's
I'm not extraordinary
I don't have any fancy degrees

I sure as hell ain't a diamond in the ruff
Or one of a kind
I'm just a mediocre guy, who does mediocre stuff
Normal strength and a normal mind

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