Part 9, by Cressida Cowell

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One more second chance

ONE more second chance
ONE more silly dance
I shall grow up and my heart will turn
As cold as a stone
As hard as a rock
I'll walk stiff and talk grave and only sleep in the nighttime

But till that time...

Dance, sprite, dance!
Dance by the light of the moon!
You've got to dance till the sun comes up
For tomorrow will come too soon

Howl, wolves, howl!
Yell to the wind in the trees
You have to make your voices heard
Above the roaring din of the breeze

We left our home a lifetime ago and we are wandering still
We don't know where we're going or what's behind that hill
But wizards were built to wander and I will never stop
So dance! Snowcats, dance! Make your old bones hop!

We cannot stop our dancing for this nighttime is too cold
If we keep up this whirling, we never may grow old
So jiggle your antenna, sprites! Wolves move your frosty bones!
If we cease our capering, our hearts will turn to stones!

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