Part 26, by Dora Sigerson Shorter

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"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality." ~Cheshire Cat


I saw Winter 'neath a spindle tree,
She plucked berries bright to crown her head
She was singing little Robin's song
While wild beech-leaves round and round her spread.
I ran home into my little house,
Pulled the shutters, barred up the door;
Knelt down to blow the fire to flame,
Great dark shadows danced upon the floor

Long shadows came from corners drear,
Leaped up on white walls, fell, and climbed again.
I hear North Wind pushing at the gate,
It won't open, not for wind or rain.
Oh, run home, wee ones, lest the whirling leaves
Take ye far away, fairy folk to see.
Crowning her dark hair with berries red
I saw Winter 'neath a spindle tree.

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