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Hi ppl

I've read lots of clone wars text style stuff, I thought it would be cool to do my own, there's just some stuff I want to get out of the way first. Feel free to skip it.


I'm definitely gonna screw up the timeline here, there will be characters texting each other who technically never met (probably because one of them died in canon). I also might do something where they're in the afterlife ranting about stuff that happened to them, so ye. I might do one update leading into another so I'll try and keep it consistent that way, but I don't rlly want to kill any of them off so it might not tie in very well (unlike some other stuff I'm writing which I'm trying to fit into the actual canon timeline)


I have quite a few ships, they are one of the things I try to keep accurate but imma also stick some non-canon stuff like Aayla and Bly in there bc it's cute 😍, and maybe a couple others as well.

Something I'm gonna say is, I do not ship clones with clones. I think because they're brothers, it's not going to happen, except for maybe if they're joking around. Or drunk.

I do think some clones have a great platonic relationship tho, like with Fives and Echo, so I'll try and compromise. I'm not judging if you do ship them btw.


I'm just doing this with pretty much only the tv series characters. If I need to know the names of some of the clones, I'll probably look it up but if I can't be bothered I'll just make an OC.

Copyright idk

Idrk how this works tbh so imma just say I don't own Star Wars or any of these characters (except the ones I make up)

Other stuff

I know this is supposed to be texting, but that's not really realistic if they're in a battle or something, so a bit of it might be dialogue instead.

I'm working on some other stuff as well so sometimes I might not update for a while, if it seems like I've forgotten about it I'm probably just busy.

I'm done, I guess.


Imma stick in a few memes too coz why not

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Imma stick in a few memes too coz why not. 

Hope you enjoy! 😉😃😝

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