Chapter Nine: Moria

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The hobbits grabbed Frodo, trying to keep the monster from pulling him under water. The tentacle let go for a moment, slunk into the water, then burst out along with the rest of the tentacles, revealing a large head, snapping it's beak-like mouth. Frodo was grabbed again, and sent dangling into the air high above the battle, screaming.

Legolas ran out and shot an arrow into a three pronged tentacle trying to cover Frodo's face. Averael swung her sword furiously at the tentacles, successfully chopping one off. The monster issued a sharp screech from the break, flinging wildly. 

The Fellowship fought hard, but the kraken paid no attention, intent on lowering Frodo into its scaly, fang- rimmed mouth.

"Help!!" Frodo yelled, staring at the huge maw. Aragorn hacked through the tentacle holding Frodo, and the halfling fell into Boromir's arms. The monster screamed again, flailing about, and Averael retreated out of the water. One tentacle hit her ankle sharply, sending her falling into the water. Aragorn ran and grabbed her arm, helping her up, and made sure everyone got out of the water safely. Averael took a step towards the cave, but was stopped by a stinging pain in her calf. She looked down. He leg had a gash in it. She must have fallen on a sharp rock when the kraken pushed her over.

"Into the mines!" Gandalf yelled. They headed to the doors, Averael trying not to limp and grimacing at the pain. Boromir ran for the door with Frodo in his arms. Another hand-like appendage snaked towards them.

"Legolas!" Boromir dodged the arm. Legolas took aim, and fired at the monsters eye. The arrow pierced the gigantic eyeball, and the monster retracted for a moment with a piercing screech. The Fellowship ran into the gate, and the tentacle shot forward and slammed it shut behind them, sending tumbling rocks down to block the entrance. Total darkness filled the room.

"We now have but one choice." Gandalf broke the silence. He tapped his staff on the floor, the light coming from the gem growing brighter with each tap. "We must face the long dark of Moria. Be on your guard. There are older and fouler things than orcs in the deep places of the world." He finished. Averael took another step, trying to hide her limp. Aragorn saw her struggling.

"Averael's hurt." He said, moving towards her.

"It's fine." She said, closing her eyes at another wave of pain. Sam walked over as well. Aragorn put a hand on her shoulder.

"Sit down for a moment." he directed.

"It's fine. It's just a cut. I've had worse." Averael argued.

"It will only take a moment to wrap it." Aragorn helped her to a rock and made her sit down. Sam pulled out some Athelas from his bag.

"Will this help at all Strider?" he asked. Averael looked at it.

"You still have some of that?" She asked, gasping at the pain in her leg again as Aragorn wiped the blood with a wet cloth.

"Yes. Thank you, Samwise." Aragorn took some, and applied it to her wound. Then, tearing a piece of cloth, he wound it around her leg and tied it off. He helped her stand. The pain wasn't too bad anymore, and she didn't limp.

"Thank you." she said, looking up at Aragorn. He looked at her with care in his eyes, and smiled. She blushed and turned her head away, hoping it wouldn't show on her cheeks. It was like he knew what he was doing, and intentionally trying to bug her about it. They walked together as the Fellowship continued on, stepping over bones and rusted weapons. 

"Quietly now. It's a four day journey to the other side. Let us hope our presence will go unnoticed." Gandalf said. They walked up the battered and uneven stairs. The light from Gandalf's staff chased shadows away as the progressed.

The group entered a large cavern with a winding walkway after some time. The path was rocky and narrow, and the party moved across it slowly. Averael looked around. A ladder hung a little ways away, and a chain dangled slowly nearby, clinking and echoing. Gandalf tapped his staff on the wall.

"The wealth of Moria was not in gold or jewels, but Mithril." He said, looking over the edge of the cavern. They looked over into a seemingly endless pit, with mining towers and shafts down below, long abandoned. "Bilbo had a shirt of Mithril rings that Thorin gave him." Gandalf continued. Averael looked over the edge, marveling at the deep cavern below them.

"Oh, that was a kingly gift!" Gimli exclaimed.

"Yes! I never told him, but it's worth was greater than the value of the Shire." Gandalf marveled. 

Averael looked around as she walked, and her eyes landed on Frodo. He looked faintly surprised when Gandalf mentioned how valuable it was. They continued climbing the steep steps, and came across a fork in the path. Gandalf stopped, and stared.

"I've no memory of this place." He said faintly. The rest of the Fellowship either silently frowned, disliking the obstacle in their path, or sat down, grateful for the rest.

They sat below the ledge, while Gandalf sat at the top alone and thought. Averael checked her bandage, then took a seat next to Aragorn. This time she startled him, and she hid a smile as she saw him frown slightly at her in the corner of her eye.  

Frodo looked around, and jumped at the sight of something down below where they were sitting. He walked up to Gandalf, and Averael heard him ask the wizard about it. They talked about the creature, Gollum, and how the One Ring had corrupted Smeagol's mind. Frodo looked down with sorrow.

"I wish the Ring had never come to me." He said.

"So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring, in which case you were also meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought." Gandalf said. He looked around, and stood up. Averael smiled, listening to his words.

"Oh! It's that way." He announced, and everyone looked up to follow.

"He's remembered!" Merry said, following Gandalf down.

"No, but the air doesn't smell so foul down here." Gandalf put a hand on Merry's shoulder. "If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose." The Fellowship followed Gandalf down and came to a more open space. Columns reached to the ceiling, and some cracked and broken ones rested on the floor.

"Let me risk a little more light." Gandalf tapped his staff, and the area filled with light. Averael gasped at the wondrous and tall pillars and beautiful carvings. "Behold: the great realm and Dwarf city Dwarrowdelf."

"Now there's an eye opener and no mistake." Sam followed, gazing at the pillars as well. The Fellowship walked forward, and entered another cavern with another doorway. Gimli rushed forward.

"Gimli!" Gandalf called. Gimli payed no attention, but rushed entered the room.

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