Chapter Twenty-Nine: King

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Averael was shown to a guest room near the top of the city. The next morning, she was given a white dress with gold designs. She wondered why she was being given such a nice dress, and then was told she was to attend the king's coronation that morning. 

She quickly put it on and looked in the mirror. She wasn't used to seeing herself in a dress. It was almost foreign to her. She left her hair down, smiling to herself. Middle Earth was saved. Frodo was alive. She was safe. Aragorn had accepted his responsibility as king.

She walked up the stairs to the topmost courtyard of the city. Some people were already there, and more were coming by the minute. She felt very out of place. She couldn't see Aragorn, but did see Legolas and Gimli. She walked over to them.

Legolas smiled slyly at her when she came over, almost like he knew something she didn't. Gimli acted the same way. She cast questionable looks at the two of them, but tried to brush it off. After a few minutes of quiet conversation, she left them and walked over to the edge of the balcony. She felt like she wouldn't be noticed as much if she stayed in the back of the crowd.

After the whole courtyard was filled, Aragorn and Gandalf finally appeared. Gimli stood to the side, at the front of the group next to Gandalf. He held a pillow with a silver crown sitting atop it. Aragorn knelt in front of Gandalf as the wizard took the crown from Gimli and placed it on Aragorn's head.

"Now come the days of the king. May they be blessed." Gandalf said. Before standing and facing the crowd, Aragorn paused to catch his breath before taking on the mantle of his duty as king. Averael leaned to the side to see around the cheering people in front of her.

Aragorn stood and turned, putting his hands out. "This day does not belong to one man, but to all." He announced. He crowd grew quiet as the new king spoke. "Let us together rebuild this world, that we may share in the days of peace." He finished. The crowd cheered and applauded. Averael smiled and clapped along with the others. White flower petals from the now blossoming White Tree in the center of the courtyard began to fall. As the crowd began to quiet down again, the king bowed his head.

"Et Earello Endorenna utulien. Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn Ambar-metta. (Out of the Great Sea to Middle-earth I am come. In his place I will abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world.)" He sang in the elvish language Quenya. People began to cheer and clap again as Aragorn walked down the aisle in the center of the crowd. He walked up to Legolas.

"Hannon le. (Thank you.)"  He said as they clasped each other's shoulders. Legolas smiled. Averael smiled too, from the back of the crowd. The quest was finished. The Ring of Power was destroyed, and the Fellowship was no longer needed, though friendships would remain. If she was no longer needed here, she could go back north- back home- and finally catch up with Eros. 

She was in the middle of her train of thought when the crowd in front of her began to split. She looked up, confused. Aragorn walked down the path that the people had made. She smiled and blushed a little. He reached her and took her hands. The crowd around them turned to watch.

"Averael," Aragorn looked into her eyes. "Will you be my queen?" He asked quietly. She smiled.

"I couldn't imagine anything better." She answered, just as quietly. He smiled and kissed her. The crowd applauded again.

They walked hand in hand down the aisle, and came to the four hobbits, who bowed to the new king and queen. 

"My friends." Aragorn said. They stood straight. "You bow to no one." He bowed, and Averael and the rest of the crowd followed suit. The hobbits looked around, overwhelmed with this great honor. 


The entire city of Minas Tirith celebrated for days. Eowyn, Faramir, and Eomer soon returned to Rohan. Aragorn and Averael saw them off as they departed.

About a week later, the hobbits rode back to the Shire. They were supplied with enough rations, healthy ponies, and new, rich outfits. Averael gave them all another big hug before they left.

Aragorn put his arm around her as they waved to the halflings. She rested her head on his shoulder, watching them go. He put a hand on her loose hair and ran his fingers through it, then leaned down to kiss his queen once more.

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