Chapter Twenty-Six: Army of the Dead

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"What kind of army would linger in such a place?" Gimli asked, glancing around as they made their way through the passageway lined with sharp rocks. 

"One that is cursed." Legolas said, speaking quietly. "Long ago, the Men of the Mountain swore an oath to the last King of Gondor, to come to his aid, to fight. But when the time came, when Gondor's need was dire, they fled, vanishing into the darkness of the mountain. And so Isildur cursed them, never to rest until they had fulfilled their pledge. Who shall call them from the great twilight? The forgotten people. The heir of him to whom the oath they swore. From the north shall he come. Need shall drive him. He shall pass the door to the Paths of the Dead." He finished. Averael listened closely, not saying anything. There was an eerie feeling around them as they rode up to the entrance.

"The very warmth of my blood seems stolen away." Gimli said. Averael nodded in agreement. She felt like any heat was being sucked away by the eerie mountain. They stopped at the doors.

"The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead. And now the dead keep it. The way is shut." Legolas read the primitive carvings above the doors. 

They dismounted. Aragorn held his sword in his hand, and they held their horses at the reins. A blast of cold air suddenly came out of the tunnel. The horses went wild, galloping off in fright. Aragorn stared through the doors, then took a step forward. Legolas followed, then Gimli. Averael hesitated slightly, but walked in after them. As soon as she walked in, there was a great temperature drop. Goosebumps rose up on her arms. At every moment, it seemed like someone was watching them. 

Legolas and Gimli conversed quietly as they quickly made their way through the caverns. All talking came to a stop after a moment, allowing silence to fill the tunnel. Aragorn held an iron torch out in front of him. Averael looked down a passage leading out to the side, and thought for a moment she saw someone down there, but when she blinked they were gone. She shrugged and tried to shake off the eerie feeling. Green mists soon began to surround them. 

"Do not look down." Aragorn told them. Averael took another step and felt something crunch beneath her foot. Glancing down, she saw hundreds of skulls lining the ground, and quickly looked up again, trying to ignore the crunching of bones breaking as she walked. 

"Who enters my domain?" An airy voice sounded suddenly, and a ghostly green man appeared in front of them as they walked into a larger cavern.

"One who will have your allegiance." Said Aragorn, confidently stepping forward.

"The dead do not suffer the living to pass." The Dead King chuckled. Hey were in the center of the room now, and closer to the ghost. Averael could see his half-skeleton like face.

"You will suffer me." Aragorn said. The King of the Dead laughed, and more ghosts appeared around them, surrounding the four.

"The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead. And the dead keep it." The King said, repeating the words atop the entrance. "Now you must die." Legolas released an arrow, and Averael's eyes widened slightly when she watched it fly straight through the ghost it had been aimed at. Their weapons would be of no use here if they were to be attacked.

"I summon you to fulfill your oath." Aragorn commanded loudly.

"None but the king of Gondor may command me." Came the ghost's response, as if it were obvious. Aragorn lifted his sword. The Dead King attacked, and for a moment Averael was sure they'd all be killed. Aragorn parried the attack, his own sword clanging against the ghost's, then grabbed the king by the throat.

"That line was broken." The King of the Dead said in awe.

"It has been remade." Aragorn released the ghost. "Fight for us, and regain your honor. What say you?" He said, addressing the ghosts surrounding them, pointing his sword at the King. The Dead shuffled about. No answer. "What say you?!" Aragorn asked again.

"You waste your time, Aragorn!" Gimli whispered. "They had no honor in life, they have none now in death."

"I am Isildur's heir. Fight for me, and I will hold your paths fulfilled." Aragorn said, ignoring Gimli's comment. Still no answer. Averael glanced around at the ghost's faces. Uncertainty was all she could see.

"What say you? You have my word! Fight, and in will release you from this living death! What say you?!" Aragorn shouted, as the ghosts began to fade away and disappear. 

"Stand, you traitors!" Gimli said. The mists began to blow away, and the cavern began to shake violently.

"Out!" Aragorn shouted as skulls began to rain down on them, and roll beneath their feet. Averael lost her balance, and Aragorn grabbed her arm, but they finally made it out of the mountain through a small opening. 

They ran out and saw the black Corsair ships sailing down the river. Aragorn dropped to his knees in sadness and defeat. It seemed like every time they had a chance, Sauron showed them up with more threats. A noise sounded behind them, and they turned to look.

"We fight." The King of the Dead appeared before them. Averael smiled, and they turned to the Corsair ships coming closer to them as the ghostly army materialized behind them.

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