Littlefinger's Game

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Jon and the others rushed to the central hall of Stone, when they were stopped by Petyr Baelish.

"Jon Snow," he said.

"Petyr Baelish," Jon had a cold look in his eyes. "Didn't you betray my father?"

"He was a traitor," was the reply.

"And now you have kidnapped Sansa," said Jon. "Where is she?"

"She is to be married." replied Baelish.

"I'll repeat again. Where. Is. Sansa?" said Jon.

Baelish turned, and ran.

Jon, Nymeria, Ghost and Asha ran tight at his heels. They had left Tysha and Shireen back at the quarters, mostly because Shireen was feeling cold and Tysha wanted to stay with her.

Nymeria and Ghost ran faster than anyone else. They smashed open the door of the hall, and there was Sansa and a handsome young man, with a septon behind them.

Jon and Asha burst in. "Stop!" shouted Jon.

Sansa's eyes widened. "Jon? Nymeria?"

Nymeria howled, and moved a paw closer.

The handsome man said, "Who is that? Alayne, do you know them?"

"Alayne?" said Asha. "The woman who stands before you is no less than Sansa Stark, the eldest daughter of Eddard Stark."

For a moment, there was silence. Then that silence erupted in loud commotion. Petyr Baelish entered through the back door and was jumped upon by some Waynwood soldiers, and Lord Yohn Royce threw a goblet of wine right at Sansa's face. But suddenly Asha was there, swinging her axe and breaking the cup. 

Jon, Ghost and Nymeria joined the fight. Nymeria bit at every man or woman who came in front of her. She was unstoppable. Ghost did the same. Jon was slashing Longclaw left and right, the Valyrian steel sword cutting through all enemies. Asha was dancing, with both her axes in her hands and blood on both of them.

When all the commotion stopped, the Lords Declarant stood alone. Nymeria knew all of them from heart- Lord Yohn Royce, Lady Anya Waynwood, Lord Gilwood Hunter, Lord Horton Redfort, Lord Benedar Belmore, and Ser Symond Templeton. She noticed Ser Lyn Corbray to be missing.

"Bastard," said Yohn Royce.

"Lord Royce. This man here lied to you about this whole affair." said Jon, turning.

But Petyr had vanished, and so had Sansa. Her to be bridegroom, Harrold Hardyng, lay dead on the floor, a slash on his neck.

"Catch him!" said Lady Anya.

Everyone ran for the door. But it was not long before they found Littlefinger. He had already been caught by Tysha and Shireen, who were hiding in the quarters. 

Ser Symond pushed Littlefinger to one knee. "Why?" the knight said.

Petyr spat. "Because you all are a lot of bloody lizards!" he exclaimed.

With a short slash, Jon opened Petyr's neck. His life blood stained Longclaw as Jon sheathed it.

Sansa was clinging to Asha like a scared child. "Don't worry, my lady," Asha said. "Everything is good."

Lord Belmore turned to the sound of Asha's voice. "Kraken's daughter," he said.

"Not kraken for this time." replied Asha, with a smile tugging at her lips.

"We stand by you, Lord Snow," said Tysha. 

"We do." said Lord Yohn Royce.

Nymeria could see the relief on Jon's face. "Then let's get back to Winterfell, and fast. We will have need of all your soldiers, to protect us from the mountain clans."

"One more thing," piped up Shireen. "All in favor of King Stannis, say aye."

Surprisingly, all of the lords and lady said aye.

Asha Greyjoy smiled. "Let's go!"

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