The Iron Islands

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A/N- This is an Asha Greyjoy POV, and not Nymeria POV. So stay informed!

For the whole of the journey, Asha thought to herself that the Reader would help her.

I surely have the Harlaws, she thought, and the Blacktydes have no reason to love the Crow's Eye after he killed Baelor. They will surely rally to my cause.

Even though Asha was ironborn, she couldn't help but feel a bit awed when Jon allowed her to take Tris, Qarl, and the others. Tris would help the Botleys to her side, and she would feel happy if Qarl was with her, referring to that night in Deepwood Motte.

Jon had set out from Winterfell two days ago, and they were scheduled to reach Pyke in one more day. Asha spent the last night in hope that she could win the Iron Islands. 

Crow's Eye will be off conquering the Shields, she thought, and my sweet nuncle Victarion following behind him like a whipped cur.

The next day they landed on Pyke. They were greeted by a riot, led by Erik Ironmaker, who was wed to her through Euron Greyjoy.

But Asha reached down for her throwing knife and killed Erik herself.

I am finally free of him, she thought.

Fortunately Euron and Victarion hadn't come back, so Asha occupied the Seastone Chair in the Great Keep. Sansa smirked when she saw that, and Jon had a smile. Asha laughed aloud. "For it is my birthright."

The wolves Nymeria and Ghost were taking to exploring the city. From time to time either Nymeria or Ghost would come and drop something they had found at her knee. Till now the pyramid consisted of an old crumbled paper, some pinnacles, and a huge leaf which looked like one of a banana. But bananas didn't grow on Pyke.

Asha loved the smoothness of the Seastone Chair. She spread her legs on the table in front of her, and turned to address her fellow counselors- for now, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Tysha, and Stannis Baratheon.

Stannis hadn't taken kindly to be offered a seat of a minister. "I am a king, and kings sit on the throne." But Asha had rebuked him saying that this was her throne, not his. And Jon had stood beside her, so Stannis retreated.

"Where is the Crow's Eye?" asked Jon.

"Off reaving the Shields, to threaten Highgarden, I don't doubt." said Asha.

"While he's off bothering the boy king and his sinner mother, we can gather our strength and attack their rear," broke in Stannis.

Asha spread her hands. "This is the strength I can gather at the moment, my king." she said.

"And, besides, before conquering Westeros, we have the white walkers to think of." said Sansa.

Stannis was annoyed, Asha could see it. "So, the Iron Islands or whatever "power" we can gather, Winterfell, the Vale, and my knights? Not enough, I say. Not enough."

"I would like to remind Your Grace that once the white walkers were defeated by the King-Beyond-The-Wall and the King in the North alone." said Jon.

Stannis grunted. "Go on, Lady Asha."

"As Your Grace commands. Now, as soon as the Crow's Eye learns that I have come back to claim the Seastone Chair, he will surely be back. And his Silence can travel fast. He can be here by tomorrow."

Tysha said, "Then we should start gathering our strength."

Asha sighed. "Look, Tysha, the sun has already set. Even if we start gathering our strength, we will never have enough to face the Crow's Eye."

"Do we have any guarantee that this Crow's Eye will come at all?" asked Sansa.

"Oh, yes, I do know he will." said Asha.

"What if he doesn't come?" said Jon.

Asha considered that for a long  moment. "If he doesn't come, he is luring us into a trap." she finally said.

"That's considerable. If I still had my sea fleet, I would have smashed Euron Greyjoy as I once smashed him off the Fair Isle." said Stannis.

Asha put her legs down and turned to Stannis. "Where, there you have the answer I was thinking of, my king. We have to smash him through sea."

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