act 2: training at kaio's

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The two sayans who had just seen each other after many years told each other all about Bardock from his people when he died and Goku from his last memory until his death too.
They walked for a long time but still saw absolutely nothing, they started to run as far as they could but the run was exhausting and still nothing to see for a moment Goku was so exhausted that Bardock carried him on his back for more than  one hour and despite his great fighting strength he too began to tire

-kakarot I'm exhausted we can take a break

-Totally agree

As goku lay down on the ground bardock lifted his head and saw a kind of ball floating in the sky but mistook it for alucination and woke kakarot when suddenly he saw that he had reached the end of the tail of the  giant snake

-kakarot we didn't get there we did it

-Why did we succeed?

-we managed to get to the end of the giant snake's tail

-Is it true? but where is kaio

-I don't know, let's ask about the ball in the sky

-Are you sure it's a ball?

-no it looks like a mini planet I have never seen anything like it

-me neither

More and more that he got closer they noticed that it was indeed a planet but of small size with inside a house, a car with a small road, a garage and suddenly they saw a monkey and confused him.  with kaio and called kaio but with this powerful gravity it was difficult for goku but Bardock still held him up easily like the monkey who went where he wants without being disturbed.

-How does a monkey get around so easily with this gravity?

A mysterious man appeared

The man
-you two there what are you doing on my island and left my pet alone

-Why are you master kaio

-in person and who asks me?

-my name is his goku

me it is bardock

-we are here for you to train us

- (to see them I feel an enormous combat potential especially the one who is still standing with this gravity he is still standing but the other one can not say as little as they can master my technique I hope) but tell me why the  Do you want to

After a good hour of explanation.

- I see then that is the problem then I will help you

-it's true thank you

Bardock being by nature lonely had no time to train alone

-but come train with us

-no I already have my techniques I'll just improve them kaio you can increase the gravity of my clothes fifty times please

-but it's suicide

- do what you tell

-if you ask and you goku?

-Yes me too

The two sayans found themselves nailed to the ground but after a month he had increased the weight of their clothes by 10 and so it was for each month until the end of the year.

-I think we're finally ready to go home

-but like that to come back we are dead

Suddenly the halos on their heads disappeared

-but what is this magic we're alive again?

-Yes and ready for our return to earth ?!

Then a short old lady sitting on a ball came looking for them to bring them back. This old lady was called Baba the seer
How in the original story the sayans had arrived and unleashed on the earth until the arrival of Team Z who were killed one after the other even piccolo was no big enough only the little gohan sound remained and  krilin and when Nappa (one of the sayans was going to kill gohan who was crying over the Corp of his late master piccolo a being appeared behind Nappa gave him a succession of blows that knocked him out


The second sayans
-which he also has a tail, could it be a ...

-A sayan yes I am and you I presume that you are vegeta you are the portrait of your cowardly father

-tss two kakarot but what does that know?

Goku / Bardock

-No he is like Kakarot his combat strength is higher ... (it is even higher than mine c impossible)

-I will make you pay for the death of my companions

-hahaha you we will see that approaching

What If Bardock Had Been Reincarnated After The Defeat Of RaditzМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя