act 25: moment of joy had the nightmare

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After the death of a warrior such as Vegeta the hope had gone from 100% to a slim chance, with the guards unable to move away from royalty being unable to prevent the galactic patrol in addition if the option was to detonate their  energy to directly launch a signal it was also likely that buu would also locate them so it was even a valid option.  The family was still in deep oblivion but Goku was still nowhere to be found.  All the other warriors were gathered at the almighty palace for safety and more time to think.
A few hours later, Son goku finally opened his eyes, wondering "how I ended up here" he was seized with a violent pain in the neck and the memory of the blow Vegeta had given him had become more visible.

- Cursed Vegeta why and did this to me ... why I no longer feel his energy ... I still feel the energy of buu no he is still alive but there is also the energy of dad and Gohan she  is very weak but I have to go and see them.

The investigations of the guards were focused on the search for Goku when screams were heard from Bulma's laboratory surprised the guards started running to see what was happening there they were surprised to see Prince Goku alive but  very badly

One of the guards
-my prince you are there

Goku let out a small smile to reassure them before he too fell tired. A little rest was needed for the sayan.
Bardock was the first to wake up thanks to his healing speed.  As soon as the guards saw him they immediately knelt down to show him respect bulma and chichi immediately left the room in shame to see Bardock without clothes or underwear Gine brought him these clothes without any embarrassment 10 minutes after Bardock  was informed of all that happened after their defeat

-... Vegeta is dead ... where are his Goten and Vegeta's son?

One of the guards
-they are safe in a place called the palace of the almighty if I have inquired properly.

- Stay well here and watch my children and Frix I will see the rest of the survivors

One of the guards


One of the guards
-we must not leave you alone my lord we must watch over you

- before being your king I am also a sayan so I can defend myself alone

One of the guards
-but your injuries ?!

-I wouldn't repeat myself

As Bardock was about to leave with Goku barely standing on his legs, Frix was the second to wake up and get out of the capsule so Bardock decided to wait for him before going and but he teleported and came back for a while.  after.

-Where were you?

-take a gift for Gohan

- What do you mean by that?

-which means...

Raditz / Gohan went out in turn

The last two had just woken up and after a moment of preparation the whole team were at the almighty palace in front of everyone who was waiting for them.  (Goten and Trunks had been awake for a while)

-Gohan look at your gift

Looking in the direction shown to indicate by Bardock, Videl crossed her Gohan's gaze at the same time as him those eyes shone she shouted in front of everyone the name of Son Gohan then ran over him.  She started to cry in Son Gohan's arms and asked him why he had taken so long to come back and the concern she might have felt for him.
In front of everyone's surprised look.

-so Gohan you told us you had a girlfriend (laughs)

Videl realized what she was doing and brutally pushed Gohan away accusing him of having prepared this whole masquerade so that she threw herself on these arms without ever mentioning the kiss despite the fact that Gohan denied that she refused to  'listen and hear Chichi say "finally I was wrong about you, you would make a beautiful girl and a good wife for me dear Gohan"
Videl was even more furious with Gohan but quickly she calmed down and both of them blushed as they walked away.
Bulma a little shyly looked around for Vegeta then found in her the strength to ask where he was the collective silence of the warriors answered her question she began to cry

What If Bardock Had Been Reincarnated After The Defeat Of RaditzWhere stories live. Discover now