act 17: inevitable reunion, Bardock challenges the king!

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Goku and Bardock having just arrived on the planet Vegeta, Son Goku saw his native planet for the first time and with great astonishment he also met his mother

Goku's mother (in tears)
-my son my little boy I have missed you so much since the day we separated I haven't stopped thinking of you for a single second

Goku, a little embarrassed by the situation, couldn't even believe he had met his mother

Goku's mother (getting up and letting her son breathe a little)
- but you know that Raditz and you really broke my heart imagine me seeing my two loves killed each other without being able to do anything (crying) I felt so bad not being able to do anything to stop this

-Gine no ... (pissed off against Goku) ... you're happy you made your mother cry EXCUSE YOURSELF NOW

-I am ren ... Father ... (astonished) wish Kakarot what you come to do on the vegetal planet I thought you were Goku the one who grew up and lived on earth

Goku (ready to fight) did not react to the provocation thrown at him by Raditz

- down so you don't answer LITTLE BROTHER

-that's when you want!

Son goku and Raditz ready to fight

Gine (still in tears with a fragile voice)

A great silence appeared at that moment

-you Raditz you have just come back to life you are already close to dying again and you kakarot you just got home you are brothers you can't stop fighting for once we just got together  reunite with family after so many years (burst into tears even more)

Gine, didn't even know how to keep talking with these two sons anymore, turned and walked into her room without even looking at them a second time.

Goku / Raditz
-mam ...

While trying to catch up with her they were stopped directly by Bardock

-leave i will take care of her you are going to lead away by then i don't want you to come home without you reconciled raditz teach him everything you know

-but father?

-I said everything and you too Kakarot show him everything including ...


- what is it about?

-you will see it on the spot go ahead I am counting on you

-kakarot follow me if you even get there

Suddenly they flew away when Bardock was about to leave to console his wife he heard a noise of a shuttle that was going to take off he hurried to write then when leaving he flew in front of Gine's window where she was sitting  without saying anything just deep in thought but coming to herself when she saw Bardock calling her on her window

-but what are you doing?

-I don't have time to explain to you read that (giving him the letter) I have to go

Bardock left as fast as he could to keep the ships from taking off meanwhile Gine intrigued opened the letter and read

Gine I was able to find a way to calm the hatred that Raditz has for kakarot I believe that a training could calm them when you have me I will take power and I have to face King Vegeta he has abused our position too much  we can't let him go on like this don't worry I will be back tonight with our sons and prepare delicious food for us like you can do for your son and their fraternities to strengthen "

A ship had just taken off that Bardock had destroyed an engine to prevent it from advancing the sayans who were there did not understand what had happened but felt on their radars a phenomenal energy on approach

One of the warriors (seeing Bardock)
-but Bardock why did you do that?

-no theft should be done Frieza is dead we no longer need to do it

-Why ... (laughs) it's impossible

-Come with me I have to go see King Vegeta all come all the sayan people have to see what's going to happen there

Vegeta king
-that's the news of the day?

Upon receiving the news a noise was heard from the other side of the door comparable to a fight and when these noises ceased and The doors were opened wide.  Before the surprised look of determined King Bardock had just beaten the elite of special forces sayan without any effort

Vegeta king
- So, Bardock, what are you doing here why you attacked my guards?

- we no longer have to travel between planets for Frieza, he is dead

Vegeta king
-What? (Laughs) how do you explain that?

-my son kakarot and I killed him

Vegeta king
- (laughing) you make me laugh and how you did it if we can find out?

-by the power of the super sayan!

Vegeta king
- (laugh) decidedly you are more and more funny everyone knows that it is a simple legend that we are used to telling children I see there that your strength is 50,000 units while that of Lord Freeza  is 580,000 units without any effort so even if you were accompanied by your son as you say you still will not have taken stock so I want the truth now

-this is why Freezer eliminated the Sayan people the first time to prevent us from awakening our power

Vegeta king
- listened to my dear subjects we are dead but we are here listening to him speak

- it is my son who resuscitated us thanks to a power that you do not know and you should not know otherwise several peoples will suffer from it

Vegeta king
-but of course your son who did everything

-I came here to challenge you and the winner will be able to reign over the planet vegeta

Vegeta king
-you really think you can beat me with miscarriages ... (too sure of himself, King Vegeta agreed without suspecting what he had just done

-I will also show you the super sayan and all of you after this fight you will know how we beat Frieza my son and me

Vegeta king
- (laughing nonstop)

- here it is you managed to follow me but now let's see if you can beat me without your friend namek

-I remind you that it's just a training we will fight but to death ok?

-It's as you want little brother you will also tell me about the new technique that father has just mentioned

-keep close

Vegeta king
-I hope you're ready Bardock (with a smile on your face)?

- it's when you want VEGETA

Raditz / Goku / Vegeta King / Bardock
-Let's go!!!!!

What If Bardock Had Been Reincarnated After The Defeat Of RaditzWhere stories live. Discover now