act 13: Sangohan vs. Cell

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-Why but it's a joke you really think it's him who will beat me you're laughing at me

- Deceive you, I know very well what I'm doing

-but it's madness to let him go and face him, you want to kill him?

-if I didn't know I would have reacted like you but I know what he is capable of, trust me I know what I say he is capable of it

-M ... me but why?

- I know you are able to beat him I am your father and as a warrior I know what I tell you when you are angry nobody can stop you and believe me I tried but I didn't  may you be the mightiest warrior i know my son

Son Gohan nodded in response then started to prepare for a moment then stopped dead and stared at Cell with a determined gaze.  Cell laughed

-you really believe your son can beat me (laugh) let me laugh don't come and complain if I kill him Son Goku

-Go there my son and don't forget that you can do it all rests only on your shoulders


Son Gohan entered the arena and pounced on Cell.  A fiercest fight had just started but Son Gohan seemed to hold back these blows which annoyed Cell who had noticed him by giving himself a powerful point the two adversaries found each other at the other end of the  arena

Cell (furious)
-but why are you holding back your blows?  I'm not good enough for you, am I?  Am I not worth it?

-No but it's fair I don't want to kill you please Cell let's stop this fight now I don't want to hurt you

-heh (laughing) you think you can really kill me you are really funny come and fight seriously or else i'm going to kill you on guard

Then the fight resumed but Son Gohan's motivation to fight was not there yet when he noticed that Cell stopped and then asked Son Gohan "but how do you fight 100%

Son Gohan
-for that I would have to get really angry but I can't do it

Cell looked at him in amazement at first he thought Gohan was laughing at him then he thought back to the words used by Songoku "when you are angry no one can stop you" an evil smile appeared on Cell's face then he replied  with "if this is that I will take care of it I want to face you to your full potential" the time that Son Gohan looks up to try to understand what Cell meant he took a punch in  the stomach followed by a succession of blows which he could not even dodge because of Cell's speed.  But despite all that Son Gohan was still not angry Cell was having fun crushing his bones to make him react but still not more annoyed than ever Cell made mini versions of him come out of his body.

-As you refuse to get angry then seeing if your friends can survive against my little ones.  Go have fun my little ones

Team Z was attacked by a wave of mini Cells as powerful and ruthless as the original faced with an unbearable horror scene his Gohan did not move because he could not stand what he saw but against all expectations C16 threw himself on Cell  then grabbed hold of him so that Cell couldn't even move

Son Gohan
-but what are you doing?

-I am going to destroy myself so that we can all save you

Cell closed his eyes as if to say he knew it was the end for him because he couldn't move.

5 minutes later still nothing had happened

-but why didn't I explode?

Krillin (during his fight had a memory that came to his mind)
-during your analysis Bulma's father saw you as a bomb and as it was risky for everyone so he decided to remove it


With a violent blow, Cell had destroyed C16 in a thousand pieces but his head was still operational the violence of the shock had sent him in front of Mister Satan who was in front to observe the scene frightened by what he saw but did it even more in  seeing the head come to rest in front of him

-Help me please

Mister Satan got scared without really knowing what to say to a head without a body

-take me to the boy facing Cell

Mister satan
-Who do you want my death that's it

-even if you can't go put me down as deep as possible I must talk to him if you are really a world champion as you say you will help me

-not refused to stay here

Mister satan
-... shut up even if I can't face Cell I must at least participate by behaving like the hero of planet earth would do

He picked up C16's head despite disgust and fear as he got closest to the fight then threw The Head which ended up right in front of Gohan.

- but C16?

-Listen to me, I have something to tell you we don't know how to meet on a good basis but we got to know each other and I know that I know you are a good person

Cell (seeing C16's head talking to Gohan)
-... you are not dead yet I will finish you

Cell walked towards C16's head in front of Gohan crying at the last words of his new friend

-do not hold back where otherwise all your friends will die in vain free yourself and let yourself be overcome by anger I trust you more I only ask you one thing continue to take care of plants and animals for me I count on you

C16 smiled at Gohan as Cell put his foot on his head the latter then exploded his head a small light that was in C16's head slowly went out in front of Gohan's helpless gaze at that moment he began to  screaming with all these might everything around was starting to disappear because of all the energy he was putting out alone Cell wasn't moving but he didn't even understand what was going on in front of him Son Gohan's energy was far superior  to that of Cell but at the same time his appearance had totally changed

-he succeeded

-you managed to make me angry you will pay me

The story is longer is longer than usual but I hope you like it and I will finish the Cell arc soon

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