29. Broken

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Bea's POV

It had been 3 days since Harry had been arrested, and he hasn't been to school and I haven't heard from him either. I've tried calling him and Gemma both, and neither one of them will answer the phone.

    I know they must be going through a lot right now, but I can't fathom why the would both shut me out the way they have right now. I just want to be there for them, both of them.

    My dad told me how upset Gemma seemed the night he went to the police station with her, and he said Harry had been relatively quiet the whole time as well. He'd been handcuffed and interrogated the last 2 hours though, so I'm sure he wasn't in the best of moods.

    Things were apparently going good for Harry and his case though. Gemma's statement made a huge difference, and when Kurt had finally been able to talk with police in the hospital, he apparently didn't deny any of what he did. He only wanted to press charges against Harry for what he did and ask for more pain medicine for his injuries.


    It was the end of the school day, and I was fed up with being ignored and left out. I had convinced Lucy to take me to Harry's house, and if he wasn't going to talk to me like a man, I was going to make him. He couldn't exactly stop me from showing up on his door step.

    "Are you sure you want to do this?" Lucy asks, eyeing the other houses surrounding Harry's. "This doesn't exactly scream 'safe' to me."

     "What does it scream at you then?" I ask, trying to keep the smile off my face at her obvious discomfort.

    "HIV and death." She answers, completely stone faced and serious.

    I toss my head back and belly laugh, probably for the first time in days, and it feels great. Only Lucy would be able to make me feel better in a time like this.

    "Okay, well I've been here plenty of times and have yet to contract either one, so I'll be okay." I unbuckle my seatbelt and climb out the car, but I lean in the open doorway to talk to her before I walk up to the house. "But don't linger after I leave, okay?"

     "Why?" She asks, wide eyed and alarmed.

    "Well..I don't know how to tell you this, but they say an old lady walks around in the woods and looks for pretty young girls. She wants to suck the soul out of them in attempt to come back to life and be young and beautiful once again."

    Lucy's alarmed face drops and she looks at me like she wants to claw my eyes out. "Eat shit, Bea!"

    I laugh loudly again. "Drive safe." I say, and close the door before walking up to Harry's house. I told her not to wait on me, that if I couldn't get Harry to answer the door I'd still find another ride home. I didn't want her spending her afternoon waiting around on me.

    I knock on the door a couple of times and wait. And wait some more. I knock again, and lean my ear against the door. At first I hear nothing, but then I hear light footsteps and what sounds like two separate whisper voices arguing.

    "Either you can answer the door, or I can stand here and keep knocking!" I yell. I'm surprised at myself honestly. I would never have done this a couple months ago, but I know for Harry I would get past all my anxieties and nerves, if it just meant he would talk to me.

    When the whispers stop and the footsteps can no longer be heard, I get pissed off. They know I know they're here, and they're still ignoring me. "Fine!" I yell, and kick the door. "I'll just go ask one of the neighbors if they've seen you guys lately! And if not I'll call the police and ask them to do a wellness check on you assholes since I'm worried!"

    Ive never said the word 'asshole' out loud before, but I feel pretty liberated right now after saying it. And I meant every word I just said.

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