Chapter 3 - New Beginnings

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          Yawns.... Where am I again, It feels like I haven't slept in 100 years... Oh yes I remember now, I came into this body by accident because it sucked me in. Where did the voice of the fox girl go I wonder? She said she would be with me...* She says

Hi! *A voice screamed in my head*

AHHHH!* I screeched and falls off the tree...

Flustered after falling of tree and getting scared to death, I told the voice in my head. I Nearly Peed myself. NO, YOU nearly peed yourself! This is YOUR body!!!

hehe* The voice said

Why didn't you talk yesterday?* I asked

Because..... ah................. ah....................................., well lucky for you I'm not a shy fox to leave you alone for over a day!* The Voice said

ya ya, but you sucked me into a body in the middle of the woods, if it wasn't for my brains I'd probably be dead by now from a night predator on the ground overnight... Especially since were near water...* I said

Well Good Luck the voice and have fun!* The voice said

Your leaving me already psst.* I sighed

well I'd like to go and explore today but I need some water bottles to carry with me so I don't get thirsty.* I thought

*So I gathered some leaf's and made them the size of water bottle, then wrapped them like a funnel shape, hardened the whole leaf and stuck a bunch of leaves at bottom of funnel and hardened those, I did this 10 times to make sure I have lots of water for my journey. Then filled them up with water and placed them in my inventory*

ok I'm leaving beautiful pond place.* I smiled then turned around to go straight in a random direction.

*I followed this same direction with the compass in my head from fox senses for 2 days picking up a bunch of herbs along the way and sleeping in tree at night*

*then whoa I found a road and open field. I wasn't sure which way to go at first but I decided I wanted to stay in the forest for safety and so I choose the path leading through the woods*

Almost out of water. and I dont sense any water around and I'm starving this is bad* I said

But in great luck I have I found a road which will hopefully lead me to civilization.* I said

Are you ever going to talk voice in my head. * I asked

No.* The voice said

Why not.* I asked as I was walking

I um..... you see.... um..... Maybe another time....* The voice said and stopped talking


My only friend won't even help me.* I sighed

[Next Early Morning]

Is that a.... town. Yesssssss perfect I can still live!* I wagged my tail

When I got to the town I noticed it was all monsters in the town but they all looked friendly.

*I Bravely enter this beautiful yet scary town*

(This enterance takes place in Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Chapter 29, Page 31 (Before Rimuru Talked to anyone else that morning))

(This enterance takes place in Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Chapter 29, Page 31 (Before Rimuru Talked to anyone else that morning))

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*I'm immediately patted on the head by a guard*

You must be the cute fox girl Rimuru told me was coming but never made it on schedule.* He said

ah who, ah what.* I said

*Still terrified these monsters are going to beat me up I'm ready to pull out magic at any time very quickly*

Quickly go see Rimuru! I'll send a guide to get there* The guard said

*I followed the guide into a beautiful place with lots of nature and beautiful wooden houses*

*Then I was guided through a sliding door to the back of a house and saw a slime sitting on a rock*

Ah you brought me to a pretty place to see a slime??? Mr Guide???* I questioned

I'm not just any slime, The slime suddenly spoke. Ah ASJDJKHASDJKHF the slime spoke. Mr Guide!* I yelped

*The slime turn's into a cute human like figure*

Hello, I'm Rimuru Tempest. And you are?* Rimuru said

I don't know I don't know this is very confusing... Ahh. the guard said something that I came here late and I don't know I don't know this body is not mine... I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

Ah, your the delivery girl for the Ultra rare Fox flower I ordered, But you don't know anything?* Rimuru said

I don't have any fox flower...* I said

I see... well Ill hear out your story* Rimuru said

Thank you so much* I said

*I told Rimuru the story about how I got here and my past life, And what I did when I got here*

He was really surprised but didn't express much he just said "Ah, well I'm from earth too and I understand your situation, would you like to live in my town? Since you don't know your home and the voice isn't telling you anything."

Really!? *I wanted to hug him but I knew this slime was the leader in the town and didn't want to make him feel weird*

Yes please make yourself a home here you can stay in the spare room for now. I will send you on quests around here to make money since you have some magical power. But first let me give you a name... Hmm since your from the western side of earth I thought of Sophia. I heard that this name inherits a Goddess named after this name too (Feel free to look it up on Google). You are now called Sophia. Rimuru said*

*My body is enveloped by extremely bright light and I get many magicules from my new masters naming I feel 10 times no 50 times no 100 times more powerful than I was, And I grew white angel wings and my hair, tail and fox ears turned white also*

*When I finished transforming I noticed my new master turned back into a smile and was very weak*

Oh no I'm so sorry Rimuru!* I said

no no its fine now you are so much more powerful. You were planted a seed of a Fox Angel Goddess race. I bet you can join our meetings soon with your power and knowledge. But do me a favor and go learn from my library some spells.

Ok I will go right now then take care my new Master~*I said

*Rimuru sweating from what he has just spawned...*

[Continue to next chapter...]

Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken. Story of the Fox Angel GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now