Chapter 8 - Lets fly~

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        Upon arriving back at tempest city. Rimuru was waiting for Sophia along with milim...

Sophia why did you kill humans?* Rimuru questioned straight away

um.... those bandits were really...really..bad...* I said with my ears down

You will need a full explanation to why you did it because our city does not tolerate killing humans because we don't want any bad relationships with them. Depending on your story, I may or may not kick you out of this city.* Rimuru said

my bestie knows whats right ^~^* Milim said

and you don't really know whats right* Sophia thought about Milim

Sophia was not notified that killing humans was against the rules but she kept her ears down...

*So they went and sat back at Rimuru's house for a discussion*

Rimuru I'm really sorry but I didn't know it was against the rules... And these bandits were really bad. They were after hunting weak monster girls for raping them and killing them...* I said with my ears down...

Oh I see, I did not know such bad bandits were hiding in our forest, I'll just ask for one more apology then and a promise not to harm humans unless your in danger anymore, If such people come up bring information on them to me and we can handle it wisely so farther groups will not come in revenge of their comrades and we can keep the forest safe this way.* Rimuru says

Rimuru I'm sorry...* Sophia apologies and bends her head to her Master

Good Good now keep your head down so I can pet you~ You did well ^~^* Rimuru says and starts petting Sophia's head

*Sophia is full of UwU and feeling not sad anymore*

*Rimuru stops petting after a few minutes of petting*

Sophia did you want to learn how to fly? I also have wings like you ^~^* Rimuru asks Sophia


Fly???!!* Sophia looks up in excitement and wags her tail furiously

Yes fly~* Rimuru says

Come on let go learn you to fly~* Rimuru says

*I sighed because I knew Milim was coming along...*

*Rimuru and Sophia go out to a field near the city*

So since your wings are made of magicules you will need to have good control over your magicules, You can disperse magicules from your wing tips to hover or to fly faster. And the way to not use magicules is to fly like a bird would. There are things called updrafts that can push you up into the air. There's two types of updrafts one is where wind is flowing across a ground and hits something vertical that causes it to shoot up. The second one is heat updrafts, I'm sure you know that hot air rises and in some spots in a ground the heat updraft is intense causing like mini tornadoes of rising heat.* Rimuru says

Ok, I understand* I say back

Good now lets start of with trying to hover into the air so takeoff isn't hard for you. Gather up a load of magicules in your wing bones then disperse them out of your feathers downwards but gently.* Rimuru says

*Sophia does this and starts to float*

*Milim Makes a explosion on ground and goes flying through the air at speed of sound*

Can you please do something about her...* I asked Rimuru

Well she is...A Demon lord...* Rimuru said sighing

*I kept floating*

Whoa It doesn't even take much magicules* I say

Well.... your kinda full of them...* Rimuru replies

oh~* I say

*Rimuru takes out his bat wings and also starts to float at the height I'm at*

Keep going up the higher you get the more magicules you need to stay afloat the higher you go but you can go really high floating with your density of magicules, you are also full of light which makes you lighter!* Rimuru says

*So we keep going higher and higher, quite high until I can see the whole town clearly in birds eye view*

*Milim passes by and makes a sonic BOOM!*

*I lose control of my balance for a second >~<*

Now lets learn to soar. It shouldn't be hard just release yourself of floating and glide downwards then glide back up flap your wings to get speed then glide back up.* Rimuru says

Sophia lets go of her magicules floating skill and starts to fall down in slight panic she didn't know what to do but as soon as she open her wings she took flight.

Wow this is so fun and cool!* Sophia flaps her wings and gains speed to go back up

It is isn't it!~ I'm glad to have made another flying partner~ never thought I'd have one for a long time ^~^... So we have you and now.... Milim... I guess...* Rimuru says

So Rimuru and Sophia flied around all day over the forest and mountians. Rimuru showed her the updrafts and they soared high without using hardly any magicules.

*While Milim was sonic booming all over the place*

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