Chapter 6 - The First Quest

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*Sophia wakes up early in the morning to catch Rimuru without anyone else*

*Sophia walks to the garden where Rimuru is in the mornings*

Rimuru~ Rimuru~ I wanna go on a quest~*I say

Perfect timing I actually needed some rare herbs for a new potion I wanna try making* Rimuru Says

I need these 3 herbs (Feverfew, Basil Holy Green and Vicks) I will tell you more about them when you get back but you can find all these herbs around here. There is a little danger but not much around here because I'm the leader of Jura forest most races are already at peace in this forest. Maybe I'll tell you what they smell like since your a fox with a good nose probably. The Feverfew smells like bitter daisy, the Basil smells like Camphor, the vicks smell like Camphor & Menthol* Rimuru Says

Can I show you some things when I get back?* Sophia asks Rimuru

Sure thing!* Rimuru replies

*I wag my tail and walk out the door to go find the herbs*

*I walk into the forest and starts sniffing around, I quickly found some Vicks and it seemed like a common herb because I found many around in an hour (33 vicks). The I start sniffing for the bitter daisy after an hour of walking I found an open area with some bitter daisy and got 12 Feverfew herbs. The last was the Basil Holy Green, I could smell Camphor but they were vicks again so I picked them and kept search around...*

Its getting late I've been searching for Basil for almost 8 hours and its now around 6:30pm* I thought

Maybe I can't find it* I thought

then suddenly a armed person showed up from behind a tree.

Well well well, A lonely pretty fox girl in the middle of forest and its almost night are you looking to get raped by a monster or maybe by this human* He says and smirks

No but if you don't run now good luck surviving these next few seconds* Sophia said

12 more armed people gather all around me...

hmmm...* I say

*They started walking closer then I casted "Flash bomb" while looking away from the person in front of me, then summoned a load of water and casted "water throw" and pushed one out of the way to get away.*

If we see you again you won't be getting away this time sexy fox!* One of the Guy yelled as I was quickly running through the forest*

*I see a weird open spot ahead*

I'll check it out quickly and head back home quickly* Sophia thought

*As I was coming close to the open spot I smelled it... The Holy Green...*

*I got there and quickly pulled the Basil herbs out, and noticed a blue jasper rock close to it so put them in my inventory and ran back home*

It was nearly black when Sophia got home. It would have become much dangerous that night if she didn't make it home.

*I laid in my bed to catch my breath for a minute then when to see Rimuru*

I got the herbs~* I said to Rimuru

Awe sweet, but why are you seem like your out of breath? was something chasing you?* Rimuru asked

ah.... no...* I looked away

Please tell me* Rimuru asked again

NO! >~<*Sophia said




Here I'll show you what I got.* I said

*I pull out my Goldstone and open my inventory*

Wow... that's really cool!* Rimuru said

it does allot of cool things, I really like it* I said

*I tap the symbols for the herbs I picked and showed Rimuru the 33 Vicks, 12 Feverfew and 3 Basil*

I couldn't find much Basil I'm very very sorry...*I put my ears down and say

no no its totally ok~* Rimuru says

*Then Rimuru picks up the Basil and eats it then spits out 50 Basils*

*I'm too shocked to even say anything*

See I can duplicate things after analysis and If I have the materials in me ^~^* Rimuru said

Well I guess its fine and very handy...*I say

I guess I can do something like that in my skill also called "Water Capture" I can analysis and then I can separate materials or put them back into the water capture and release it and it will create the thing.* I say

Oh wow that's really cool~ you must have been greatly blessed by the water fairies to do that ^~^* Rimuru says

I can also store water captured things in my inventory* I say

That's wonderful and so handy~* Rimuru says

anyways I best head to bed... sorry for not talking longer just something is stuck in my head... see you tomorrow* I say

*I go to bed and have a nightmare about being raped by that gang that night*

[Continue to next chapter...]

Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken. Story of the Fox Angel GoddessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz