Alien Souls

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Swept upon the sandy shore
The world strange to her seemed;
Seeing foreign creatures all around
Her little heart shuddered and screamed.

She couldn't begin to comprehend
The robotic ways of those around;
Nothing could make sense to her:
Neither the sight nor the sound

All alone she felt lost and broken
Blamed herself for not fitting in.
She tried her best nevertheless.
The happenings around seemed a din.

She travelled extensively, tried everything.
Met everyone but blamed no one;
Followed the herd without reasoning;
But lost to her were love, joy and fun!

She read and she dreamed...
A perfect life existed not in reality.
Never did she question her fate;
She accepted this harshness as her destiny.

Sadly or fortunately, it's for you to decide:
This dull calm life of hers was disrupted;
For she met a creature so very like her
That her heart with joy erupted!

It had taken her years to adapt,
But here she was, questioning life again.
What meaning, what adventures to be had!
Why had she settled for this cheap bargain?

The fire to live rekindled in her:
The flames lurching and crackling.
If you saw her now you wouldn't believe
She had turned so fiery and amazing!

Encouraged by each other, they both
Set out to change this gloomy world;
With renewed hopes for a better tomorrow
As visions for a brighter today unfurled!

They were together, unbeatable;
Invincible, unconquerable determined souls;
Support and encouragement is sometimes
All you need to achieve all your goals.


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