Colours of Love

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No matter if you’re scantily dressed,
For me you’ll forever be better than the rest.
Your acts to the world may seem wrong,
But only for you I’ll always long.
The people may curse and rebuke you,
But anytime I’ll do anything for you.

You may not like me or my way of thought,
But I assure you our lives are closely wrought.
We were made but for each other;
Closer you are to me than my own brother.
Slowly, as time passes you will realize
That to leave me was not at all wise.

Each night in my dreams I feel
That from me, my heart, you steal.
And as I proceed to catch your soul
Off the bed and onto the floor I roll.
I wish to see that dream complete.
Not at night but when you and I meet.

Life seems empty; living has no aim.
All memories will never be the same.
If you really do refuse me
What pleasure on earth shall I see?
My whole world revolves around you;
End of our acquaintance will end me too.

My heart and mind do not function together;
This separation from you seems like forever.
For I may be lying on my couch
My soul‘s with you, for that I can vouch.
Your wellbeing and a smile on your face,
Gives me strength immense to finish any race.

I may sound like a man crazy in love;
But I promise you, you’ll always be above
Everything that I care for in this world;
‘Cause loving anything, but you, seems so absurd.
You are my Tinker Bell living in my Home Tree;
For me, all necessity is but thee.

Every time I stroll in my garden or sing a song,
For your company incessantly long.
Gazing at stars, no more seems fun;
For I am the earth and thou art my sun.
Imagine a world with absolutely no hue,
Like that is my life with all but you.

Forever I shall long for that smile;
To see it on your face I’ll travel many a mile.
You taught me to rise and shape
The world and cover my flaws with a cape-
A cape of honesty and trust and care
And that pleasures of life I should always share.

But mind you, know that I certainly will not
Share you with anyone; a gift fate to me brought.
You are the dearest and the greatest pleasure
And the happiness you bring to me I never can measure.
Goodness flows like river from your action;
How wonderfully do you face problems and conceal emotions!

I will conclude last but not the last-
That I wait eagerly for our reunion feast.
Everytime I pray, I‘ll pray we meet soon-
Above all gifts that will be the greatest boon.
I hope you know how much I love you,
And hope to God you will love me too.


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