Stockholm Syndrome

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I lie-
Wounded and panting;
Scorched by that yellow blob
On the yellow desert all around.

I crave-
For that colourless fluid
To flow through my body again;
Sadly, my body got addicted to it.
I strain my ears
With the little life left in me
To see if my tormentor returns.

I ain't scared anymore of her harsh words
And still harsher silence
I only beg to leave this alien place.

I remember that I had seen
Charming faces and pretty places;
I had also seen that 'joy'
Entering me and filling all crevices.

That was long back
It is but a fuzzy memory now;
Anguish now fills me
And I want to wash it away
But I know not how:
Will she teach me again?

It's only the pain
That tears at me within and without;
I feel a deep wound within my trunk:
Is this what the call 'bereavement'?
Will she return to me?
If only to torture me again-

I pray that she returns
Though I have never prayed before;
All her torments are sweet to me
If I can see her close by..

Returning footsteps, if any
Are drowned by this vast yellowness;
She will survive till the end
She is used to this world you see.

I never-
Belonged to this place:
I lived an alien in an experiment;
I was helplessly hers
To use and to throw
As she wished.

I know not what occurred
And I, therefore, blame her not:
For I can hardly account

For my own existence here;

only hope she comes back
For I lie here-


Of Floating Buoys and Broken BellsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora