Death Is Not The End

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Thoughts are raw ingredients: 
Unprocessed, unfinished,
Useless on their own. 
But they shape You.
All things you see or do,
Each thing around
Triggers a thought;
You may let go of it,
Or hold onto it,
Or develop it into 
Something much more.
These ingredients are
Matched, tested, tasted, 
Modified, amplified, blended, 
Mixed all through your life
To make the final you.
At every step you need 
To act the chef 
Check, modify, add
And shape yourself;
And all these thoughts,
Theories, feelings 
These are the ingredients
That make you up.
A long life of experiences,
Struggles, drawbacks later
You get the final YOU ready.
What was all this for?
Why amass all the wisdom 
And then just die?
What were we preparing for?
Death cannot be the end...


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