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The group began to run elsewhere, I looked down on Blue. "I'm not leaving you here," I told her, even though I know she can't hear me. I got off from the table and attempted to place Blue on my back and carried her towards the innovation centre, somewhere that could be safe for her to recover as Echo and Delta were having a go at the indominus rex, so was Owen, he was carefully avoiding to shoot at the raptors while trying to shoot at the rex. 

I gently placed Blue down and examined her, she had cuts on her side, but she wasn't badly injured. I gently shook her to see if that'll wake her up but it didn't. I looked up to see the rex started spinning around like crazy, her tail was now whacking all over the place and setting electrical things abuzz. But I looked in time to just witness Echo being thrown off and landed on something that made her go up in flames. "Echo!" I yelled. I got up and ran out of the innovation centre and towards the Mosasaur's enclosure without being whacked or attacked. I then ran to the left and ran straight before making another turn to enter the T-Rex's enclosure with tears building up in my eyes.

I pushed the pin code in to access the metal door to get to the other side, on the balcony. "REXY!" I yelled and breathed hard. "REXY!" I yelled again. I was starting to think that before the people abandoned their post, they tranqed Rexy just so she doesn't do anything stupid . . . But Rexy never does anything stupid. I looked down, I couldn't tell how far the ground was since it was already night and the excessive amount of trees everywhere made it feel like it was a secluded forest, which made things dark.

I don't suppose going down there is gonna be a good idea, I could break a bone, but I need to know if Rexy is alright. "REXY!" I yelled again. I looked down as I was starting to consider jumping off this balcony to find Rexy. I got my legs over the railings, I looked down, all there is left to do, is to push and let go.

You know what, I'm ready to jump.


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