Chapter 11

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A/N- Hi guys! I just wanted to let y'all know (if you are interested) that I do have a tik tok you can follow where I might post updates/ more space for feedback! It's called macilovesmordor !

"I let her do that," said Ron, tensing one of his shoulders. George elbowed you. The both of you had been laughing.

"I'm sure you did," Violet smirked, Fred's hands on her shoulders.

This was your fourth DA meeting, and you'd been able to get along with a lot of the people quite well. Harry had proven to be an excellent teacher.

"It's good manners, isn't it?" Ron rolled on his heel, looking at the group of girls laughing around Hermione. You and Violet were generally the only ones to not conform with the boy-girl grouping. Sometimes Luna would stand with Neville, though. This was mostly because you felt more comfortable around Ron than around all of the girls. They were nice, but you couldn't shake that some of them might be judgemental.

Ron held onto his wand uncertainly. "Completely intentional..."

Lately, there had been anxietys about the meetings. Umbridge must have suspected something, as she kept putting up her stupid decrees. The most recent one subjected all students to questioning. You felt bad, Cho had been having a harder time than most. Umbridge had threatened her mother's job at the ministry. You'd hoped she had been merciful to others, as you had seen the extent of her abuse when she felt it neccesary engraved on Harry's hand.

"Alright, let's have everyone get in partners and work on whatever might be difficult." Harry surveyed the room.

"Tab?" Ron asked, and you nodded. He wasn't very bad at anything, but he wasn't very good, either.

"Okay!" you said, looking up at his face. It was still a little pink from embarrassment. You gave him a small smile before backing up a good bit from him.

        RON'S POV

I really don't want to mess this up. Not again. She probably thinks I'm complete rubbish at magic.

I raised my wand, and she raised her eyebrows, flashing me a toothy grin and a little laugh. I don't understand how she's so good at everything.

"Alright, I'm gonna disarm you," I said, readjusting my stance. She nodded, raising her wand and giving me room to do so. 


Her wand jumped from her hands, causing her to flinch a considerable amount. I could feel myself smile, and as I met her eyes, she was smiling widely as well.

"Yes, Ron!" she said, jumping on her toes.

Her recognition inflated my feeling of accomplishment.

"It's not so hard," I said, rubbing the pocket of my pants. She was still looking at me excitedly.

"I told you! You were just nervous, I'm sure." She glanced at me momentarily before going to pick up her wand. I knew it probably wasn't true, spells took time to master, but her reassurance was appreciated.

I practiced more, each time successfully disarming her. She looked so funny when she flinced. It was as if she didn't see it coming at all.

She got her go at me as well, always nonverbal and always unexpected. And bloody hell was she good. She had a fire in her eyes, her movements quick and flawless. It seemed she could do anything, if she tried. She had a knack for magic, moreso than Hermione, even (I had seen Hermione cast her a few envious glances.).

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